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Friday, November 9, 2007

Techgnosis + MUM

Erik Davis writes for Reality Sandwich and has much of his own work...I've been reading his book Techgnosis: myth, magic + mysticism in the age of information and this what he has to say:

"As the authority of Greek rationalism waned, people began fretting over the perennial existential questions: what was the purpose of life, the value of the body, the fate of the earth, the future of civilization? Traditional answers tasted stale, and the power of the old prophets and Rome's state religion sputtered in the face of new (or renewed) religious forces trickling in from the margins of the empire - astrology, Oriental cults, Christianity, apocalyptic prophecies...Helenic Neoplatanism intermingled with Egyptian sorcery, Christianity won its first converts, and pagan philosophers swapped apocalypses with Jewish mystics. Gnostic rumors were whispered in the wings, and even a handful of Buddhist monks dropped some dharma into the stew...But it was the mystery cults centered around gods like Isis and Mithras that broke all attendance records with their promise of esoteric information and ecstatic revelation. These cults possessed many of the same selling points that have lured modern Western seekers to the East: exoticism, a promise of spiritual experience rather than dogma, and an opportunity for religious reinvention in a time of cultural dissolution."

Going back to what dozemay was saying about periods of change, or new ages...This is what occurred according to Davis at the end of the Roman empire....I can't help but feel we are in the same place different time...Who'd have thought this could get more interesting than the 60's... cheers :)

Also, to not create another post...I came across the maharishi university of management a few months back and haven't been back to their site till today...I highly recommend their video page...looks like an amazing place to learn

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