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Sunday, November 11, 2007

American Indian...Quantum Physics...Life

If anyone watched the Nassim Haramein video or have seen him speak or really have any interest in unified theory this may interest you....I opened up a book called Sacred Hoop the other day and within the first page this is what I found...

"There is a spirit that pervades everything, that is capable of powerful song and radiant movement, and that moves in and out of the mind. The colors of this spirit are multitudinious, a glowing, pulsing rainbow. Old Spider Woman is one name for this quintessential spirit, and Serpent Woman is another, and what they together have made is called Creation, Earth, creatures, plants, and light."

I'm sure we've all seen or heard glimpses of this Native wisdom....those people had it right, its a shame we fucked them, too bad etc, etc....but the way I see it, is enough generations have passed where populations of American people (and lets just forget about that government for now), but American people, who have grown here, on this land and no longer carry prejudice against other types of people. I feel as if this is a relatively new thing, so maybe we are the new, new natives....and with what Nassim is doing in physics, we can probably prove many of the "beliefs" the once noble stewards of this land had.

"Thought woman is not limited to a female role in the total theology of the Keres people. Since she is the supreme Spirit, she is both Mother and Father to all people and to all creatures. She is the only creator of thought, and thought precedes creation."

"The concept of power among tribal people is related to their understanding of the relationship that occur between the human and nonhuman worlds. They believe that all are linked within one vast, living sphere, that the linkage is not material, but spiritual, and that its essense is the power that enables magical things to happen. Among these magical things are transformation of objects from one form to another, the movement of objects from one place to another by teleportation, the curing of the sick (and conversely creating sickness), communication with animals, plants, and nonphysical beings (spirits, katsinas, goddesses, and gods), the compelling of the will of another, and the stealing or storing of souls."

I got extremely stoked after I watched Nassim's speech a couple times, there's another one on Google Video that is worth watching. It really seems to me most of what he says is not too far off in our lifetime, especially because I've had dreams about numerous things he's said.

I guess really what I am trying to get at, is we are all citizens of the world and universe before anything else....this "country" is totally fucking with my head, and maybe its just because its an extremely sick, as in ill, organism...can we make sure the true roots of where we live carry on past the days of the red, white and blue?

Something else, on the post below there is a bit about the Maharishi University of management and they are a school that is continuously practicing what dozemay was saying about that princeton study....all the students and faculty practice trancendental meditation and there's a talk on their video website where their head physicist talks about world peace through this process...i've been thinking more and more about the whole world as this beautiful blue/white light running through everything...i had a dream that i saw this cat that was the form of a cat but just the same blue/white light....cheers everybody, somethin to think about, have a great week


perpetuallyphil said...

this post is a lot more positive than the one you had here before.....
i thick you are right about the current state of our nation/world being in peril, but i also agree with this post because it affords hope.
there are so many problems that we face today and any listen to BBC or NPR will point to that, however it is key for us to keep hope alive and focus our attention towards better things to come.
we shouldn't ignore the negatives, i think we should be conscious of them and then balance the hate and fear out with our own joy, bliss, hope and love....

Tallbridge said...

yeah yeah my head just keeps spinning dude its hard you know, i agree tho, most definitely, i just gotta try an keep it that the way phil how can I add music to the podplayer, i made my own account and tried to put another player in but failed

jason_dozemay said...

From Walt Whitman:

"no result exists now without being from its long antecedent result, and that from its antecedent, and so backward without the farthest mentionable spot coming a bit nearer the beginning that any other spot."

This immediately reminded me of the infinity that Nassim talks about and the blue/white light that you saw as pervading everything. From negative infinity to infinity we are all entangled in a net of fractal consciousness. Whitman knew this in 1855.

Taka-can you recommend me some good toaist, buddhist reads? The more I absorb awesome information, the more I see parallels between eastern ideology and the nature of life as it appears to me.