The shred has officially been reincarnated HERE.  New functionality and expanded means of sharing ideas and media are available and continuing to be developed.  Please send an email to Phil, Taka or Jason if you would like an invitation to the new playground.  Namaste

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Winona Duke

Green Party/Native American spokeswoman...heightened consciousness...I been studying about natives a lot recently and I really think, as Xam once told me that we can be the new, new native americans if we want to be...enjoy

1 comment: said...

im still reeling though.....earlymorn on the brooklyn deck....i mentioned my new new nativity and lisa shred hit me with her new new __________ and it blew me much in fact that i must not have been ready to recieve it and have no idea of her new new.... it drives me crazy from time to quest for the new new