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Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Maynard James Keenan is... (_________)

The Tool man is at it again. This time, sounding more like Nine Inch Nails if Raja Ram and Les Claypool dropped by Trent Reznor's recording studio. Maynard James Keenan's sideproject PusciferV is for Vagina was released on October 30th. Maybe because it would have been too scary if it actually dropped on All Hallows Eve. This album is dark. Not like Pink Floyd's Dark Side of The Moon. This album is dark like when you're walking down a dark alley and crackheads are trying to shank you with broken glass for your wallet (happens all the time in L.A., I swear).
Ok, so maybe my analogies are a bit odd and far fetched--hopefully you'll get the idea when you listen to tracks like "Drunk With Power," "Indigo Children" or "Sour Grapes." While Puscifer's sound is evil and psychedelic, it's also fully danceable industrial at times. Enjoy some fucked up shit and let me know what you think.
*Rhapsody peeps can use the link at the top (click the article title). Everyone else has to suffer and find the album somewhere else, sorry.


jason_dozemay said...

i'm definitely gonna shred this......too bad OiNk is dead.

perpetuallyphil said...

wow... i have only listened to this album a few times but its pretty sweet. def some freight time but also some amazing and inspiring lyrics.
indigo children track 8:

the indigo children
when the indigo children come
the indigo children
when the indigo children come

E.M.P. from the mother and son
tore the digital down
dawn of the age of the innocent ones

the indigo children

analog time piece sky wide
sync to the ticker inside
move to the rhythm of the moon and tide

the indigo children
the indigo children
the indigo children
the indigo children

Sirius, Venus. and the lunar child
(get your life up untied)
giggle and the flames grow higher
dance in a circle around a central fire
(dance and laugh and love and learn. Grow higher)

the indigo children

wine, song, food and fire
clothe, shelter and seed

no more need for the old empire
when the indigo children come

Sirius, Venus, and the lunar child
giggle and the flames grow higher
dance in a circle around a central fire

the indigo children

wine, song, food and fire
clothe, shelter and seed

no more need for the old empire(fare thee well to the empire)
when the indigo children come