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Wednesday, November 7, 2007

music, us.. everything

this is a great quote, i think, from an article on Reality Sandwich..

"Perhaps I'm being romantic when I think of the writings of Sufi master Hazarat Inayat Khan: "Music is not only life's greatest object, but music is life itself." He talks about music one day becoming the "religion of humanity," yet I think he knew it already is. Poets of his country, India, had created the idea of Nada Brahma millennia ago: sound is the ever-present force expressing itself through the universe and linking the cosmos with humanity. The classical systems of North and South India were cyclically timed to tune into the patterns of nature, of winds and monsoons, star-rises and sun-falls. Music was played because it was an expression of life, not the salability of it."

1 comment:

spinningsarah said...

that's just like what i learned about african dance, dance and life couldn't be separated the same way music and life couldn't. music and dance are representitve and expressive of life the same way life is representitive of music and dance