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Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Dr. Claude Swanson, PhD Physicist

so, I saw a flyer for this guy at my work. He gave a talk in the Lincoln center on "The Synchronized Universe and the Secret of Life" on october 19th and I unfortunately missed it. I was very sad, but looked up the website on his flyer and found out he's giving what I think is the same lecture on Wednesday, November 14th from 6:45-9:00 pm at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder in the Sky Room.
Check him out:
The website on the flyer was:
this website has his event posted on the home page, but Dr. Swanson's actual page is
If you go to his page, it overviews in a really really short way certain points that he is including in his new book, and, I'm assuming, in his lecture next week.

Anybody wanna go with me to his talk? C'mon, it's going to be interesting.....

1 comment:

perpetuallyphil said...

looks cool...
the website has the feel of an overexcited mad scientist trying to pour out info on every possible subject before his eyes pop out of his head...

i like crazy people, i'm down to give a listen