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Tuesday, November 6, 2007

lattice of existance

as i read Taka's beautiful discourse (post below) on his experiences over the last few months i had many thoughts course through my head. the synchronicities that he speaks of are something that i, and no doubt most of us, have experienced many times throughout our lives. whether it be in in the manifestation of a phone call, a friend, similar thoughts or situations, they seem very real. These synchronicities are always intensified and more viable while in the midst of a psychedelic journey. these amazing journeys have opened my mind and levels of understanding so staggeringly that i wonder what my life would be like without those mushroom trips in the woods while in high school, or those deep, intense, border-line-struggles during a 20 minute biscuit's jam, or the perplexing philosophical discussions with LSD and rainbows at dreamtime... they were all such markers in time and consciousness for me, as taka says: 'blast-offs.'

More and more i am attempting to reach these states without the aid of psychedelics. my belief is that these states exist and certain ethogens allow for quicker and more ready access to this realm of consciousness and interconnectedness. it has been key for me to get peeks into this world through these aids as it instills hope and faith based around a known destination. the new call, for me, then becomes searching for new and exciting routes/portals to this world and new perceptions to act as both questions and solutions.

i was just learning today about Buddhism's theory of dependent arising (yet another synchronicity). according the this theory, all things only exist based upon something else. this is not a extremely profound idea on the surface but definitely hits synchronicity on the head. in this idea, synchronicity is not just something that comes strongly at times, happens from time to time, or occurs under the influence of a drug, but IS inherent to REALITY itself. our world is totally reliant upon other things to bring anything into existence and is so interconnected that there is nothing that is independent of anything else.
in moments of heightened awareness we can understand and see this lattice of existence more clearly. it is incredible to come face to face with existence itself and see the world as it truly is, as Taka would no doubt attest.

i thank Taka for his wonderful entries into this blog that is our space in cyberspace.....

much love

1 comment:

Tallbridge said...

thanks phil, this is cool :)

long way to go