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Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Nassim Haramein

Here is a video of a presentation given by pioneering theoretical physicist Nassim Haramein. It is very similar to the talk he gave at Horning's this year. Exciting stuff.

Go here for a bigger screen:

Go here for the Resonance Project:

The construction of reality using science and the alternative methods to our current empirical system are topics that are of great interest me. Our society is driven to squeeze all the mystery out of nature in order to better understand our condition and in doing so, we completely ignore the role of consciousness in shaping reality. Also, we completely ignore the fact that our science does nothing but bring up more ambiguities and more questions. Quantum physics tells us that we essentially cannot know the "true nature" of anything because it is embedded within our understanding of it. The act of observation has a drastic and undeniable defining effect on the subject. The seemingly impenetrable empirical method has focused so much energy on defining the undefinable and so much weight has been put on those definitions that it is hard to see past the apparatus that is shaping our perception of the world. We need to realize that we are cocreating reality with consciousness. When things like love, imagination and creativity are unionized with scientific thought we will have a much more holistic view of the world that we create everyday. Truly realizing the nature of our oneness with each other and with the universe and wholeheartedly embracing the metaphysical aspects of existence are the only paths towards transcendence. Only when we appreciate and grasp the fact that we are all connected in a latticework of love and expression will we be able to rise above the blinding paradigm that we are currently pinballing around in. Ideas about sciences, philosophies, psychedelic experiences, ancient wisdoms, and life in general are starting to become more and more synchronous among the people who care enough to challenge the archetype of our existence. Brilliant ideas are "rip[ing] open a hole in the mythological framework of American society. Millions of minds are at this very moment pouring through the fissure." As I have expressed to Taka through our correspondence, I am overjoyed to be one of those minds. It is an awesome time to be alive.

It is in the norm shattering ideas of people like Haramein that the world will find itself. Embodying what resonates with you will open the eyes of the world.

I recently read this quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson. It resonated with me so I will share it:

"A man's genius, the quality that differences him from every other, the suseptability to one class of influences, the selection of what is fit for him, the rejection of what is unfit, determines for him the character of the universe. A man is a method, a progressive arrangement; a selecting principle, gathering his like to him, wherever he goes. He takes only his own out of the multiplicity that sweeps and circles round him. He is like one of those booms which are set out from the shore on rivers to catch driftwood, or like the loadstone amongst splinters of steel. Those facts, words, persons, which dwell in his memory without his being able to say why, remain, because they have a relation to him not less real for being as yet unapprehended. They are symbols of value to him, as they can interpret parts of his consciousness which he would vainly seek words for in the conventional images of books and other minds. What attracts my attention shall have it, as I will go to the man who knocks at my door, whilst a thousand persons, as worthy, go by it, to whom I have no regard. It is enough that these particulats speak to me. A few antecdotes, a few traits of character, manners, face, a few incidents, have an emphasis in your memory out of all proportion to their apparent significance, if you measure them by the ordinary standards. They relate to your gift. Let them have their weight, and do not reject them, and cast about for illustration and facts more usual in literature. What your heart thinks great is great. The soul's emphasis is always right."


perpetuallyphil said...


this video was amazing.
for me, it was like hearing some truths if have realized before yet receiving a way to contexualize them.... plus learning some really far out amazing ideas

thanks jbo

Tallbridge said...

sick i've been trying to remember this dudes name since august...

wait man is it january? nah man its august! wow.....august..