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Saturday, March 1, 2008

Ryclying ideas to steer Space Ship Earth

Is is possible to live off the grid in modern civilization? Imagine a home that is powered by renewable energy, collects its own water, grows its own food, and is made from 100% recycled materials. The architect Mike Reynolds has proved thats is more than imaginable. HE calls his idea and his company Earthship Biotecture. An Earthship is a truly sustainable home designed to collect its own energy, food, and water, and defuse all its waste on site.

Yeah, Cool but can you cook with it? YES

And earth ship will even harvest methane from your waste and turn it into energy. Check out more food for thought on the Earthship site.

PLUS they have a solar powered toilet!


General Direction said...

yeah i caught this a few months this jj from DU?

tlt said...

so awesome. i want one someday for sure said...

totally me and tlt were just talking about this the other day said...

my earth ship can fly me into my globo awakining