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Sunday, February 24, 2008

nader to run for president

while i dont agree with libertarian-esque policies all the time, due to their lack of support for the underprivileged and under-represented, nader is in my mind clearly a great independent thinker who tends to have the betterment of society a top his list. his battles with corporations and his progressive ideas are much needed. it would be great for america to have a debate with mccain, obama, ron paul and nader discussing the issues in a raw and real conversation. it would surely expose our populous to wider array ideas and show that our world is not separated into black and white (or more appropriately red and blue). we need to keep incorporating fresh and different ideas into our political realm, because clearly we have not found any real answers yet...

nader could really push the democratic candidates to firm up some policy issues and try to gain more support form the progressive crowd that he will find support in.

i hope his choice works out for the best.

this link is a transcript from a DemocracyNOW! interview with nader from a few months ago before he officially entered the race. he makes some great points...

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