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Thursday, February 28, 2008


This is quite a picture. Makes you wonder what was going through their mind as they took it.

This is a fantastic photo!! Amazing that the film was still good - or memory stick. Either one, this really tells the story. Look at how high that wall of water is!!!!!!

½ a second before tsunami

This picture was taken on the banks of Sumatra Island (the height of waves was of approx. 32 m = 105 ft).
It was found saved in a digital camera, 1 ½ years after the disaster.

We cannot know for sure,
but very likely the one who took the picture is not alive any more (it was just a matter of seconds).
Today we can see the last image he/ she saw before ending life on Earth!


cheesepleas said...

probs a fake if it was supposed to be 32m tsunami has ever been that high i don't think. i believe the one in pacific a couple years ago was 10 ft. high

cheesepleas said...

also, can't see the pic...