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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

What the fuck do we do?

what the fuck do we do?

max and i went to see the Loose Change Final Cut at the Oriental last night. first of all, the movie fucking sucked. it was a conglomeration of the evidence pointing towards the likelihood of 911 being an inside job, yet they decided to not take a stand on the issue. they presented the info and fizzled out with a weak and almost apathetic conclusion. while a point can be made for the importance of people making their own inferences, if people are going to travel around the country in order to show these paradigm shattering pieces of information, than they better fucking take a stance and use their media disseminating power to create a community of people who want change. after the movie there was no call to action, no attempt to bring people together...instead a "thanks for coming, buy a beer to support the venue."

i watched Zeitgeist for the second time when i got home because i was searching for a more solid view of the situation at hand and i needed the zeitgeist rhetoric to get under my skin again. that movie is the shit. while it is extreme and unnerving, it takes no prisoners. it is a holistic presentation, it is a call to action, a call to connect, a call to open our collective eyes. the quotes at the end of the movie are amazing, enlightening, positive and serve to bring people together. Ram Dass' quote about the lack of an 'other' is exactly what we need to be hearing: we are in this together and we are inexplicably tied to each other and to nature. Bill Hicks' quote about the dream like nature of life/reality is liberating and brings the end of the movie to a point where an answer begins to become somewhat visible: dream a better reality.

the government perpetrated 9/11 against its citizens in order to further its political agenda of greed and power. the government perpetrated 9/11 against its citizens in order to further its political agenda of greed and power. holy shit. this is huge, this is bigger than anything i've read in a history book. we are living during the craziest explosion of life, information and oppression that i can imagine. what matters? what is going to school, traveling, going to shows, smoking pot, playing? what is our life compromised of when we are embedded in the most elaborate life-strangling lie ever created?


I whole-heartedly encourage all of you who haven't seen Zeitgeist to watch it immediately.
This is an amazing article that serves as a necessary grain of salt to accompany the move.

I have no idea how we can overcome this. Positivity is awesome but I need something to sink my teeth into. I need a way to focus my intellect to make a real change. Fuck the slow cycles of oppression. What do we do? Suggestions?

I know we can do this. I'm done participating in the murdering liberty stripping paradigm that is everywhere. It's time to get angry and make a real change in our lives and the lives of others.

I honor the place in you in which the entire Universe dwells. I honor the place in you which is of Love, of Integrity, of Wisdom and of Peace. When you are in that place in you, and I am in that place in me, we are One.


cheesepleas said...

Jason...i don't know. we want to do something, all of us, but with which means? the only way to make this change is to open people's eyes. but people don't want their eyes to be open. i spoke of Zeitgeist when i was in NZ, and was dumbfounded when i realized that i had just drawn a rift between myself and the rest of the group. not one person out of 12 wanted to even consider these ideas. they blame it on propaganda, they blame it on Osama, they don't want to consider these things. they close their eyes and shake their heads and say, "i just don't believe that they could actually pull that off without somebody blowing the whistle. If the government did this, there had to have been people who know, and one of those people would have called them out..." what do you say to that? if anyone did, which obviously some people did, they are pushed down and down so that they cannot share their knowledge. i dont know enough about the details here to say much more, but my instinct and general knowledge of the subject is that any whistle blowers were killed (obviously in the form of an "accident") or had their credibility totally shattered by the media. Now, in terms of "somebody would have said something" my opinion on this is that the people in our gov are trained to take orders...not ask questions. so, when an order comes down to do a training exercise on sept. 11, 1999, that is what the order is, carry it out, oh no, attack, 80 min later we're there...woops, wrong day for training i guess. But how many people needed to know about this plan? 3? All it takes is the right three people with the right authority and you've got nobody to blow the whistle but the three of you. but nobody is gonna complain when you start giving them 384 million dollar contracts.
Back to the issue at hand, WHAT DO WE DO?
I don't fucking know what we can do...i think often about trying to become a political leader, but even then, what then? I think to make drastic change, one needs to be in a position of power, or have friends who are in such a position. We need money and technological resources. we need solid, irrefutable evidence. we need better ideas than what i've just said. we need to think FAR OUTSIDE THE BOX because they control the box. Perhaps we should make flyers and hand them out EVERYWHERE!!! now that's actually an idea i think. copy a bunch of flyers and just hit the towns and UNIVERSEities as if this was our band and we needed money. but it's obviously a bigger mission than getting people to a show, and a much more important one. We start contacting people at universities all over the world, but especially in our country. We have friends, we have contacts, we have NETWORKS. we alone on this blog could shred more than seems possible. I say we get going on this and request others' ideas and help. Collaboration is the only way we will overcome this evil. Combined with positivity, of course. But somebody had written "The revolution is now!" on a chalkboard in one of my classrooms the other day and i asked if anyone in my class had seen or heard of it and not one had. We just need to be a part in getting the word out. The filmmakers do their part, the activists do theirs. For now, I think the most immediate action we can take is to spread this information. After Asian summer, perhaps we can get serious. Not ruling other, more serious action between now and then, just stating what I think to be feasible. But the more people who hear of this before election time, the better. And we can make drop these seeds to people everywhere. There's always ideas of scheduling things like gatherings in the name of. perhaps we could talk integrate some of this into Pangea Day event (btw, i am making progress in getting Farrand, but i had to talk to three people before i found the right guy and his message machine asked for an email, so who knows how long it'll take for him to get back to me) Anyway, how do fliers sound? we could even set up a website or something that has the graphics online so that anyone anywhere can get them printed off and distributed...

Anonymous said...

focus our energy
focus our language
focus the definition of 'this'

it will be very difficult to ever change 'this' if we continue to leave it's definition as broad and unspecific as we generally tend to do.... Sure, our inability to narrow the focus of 'this' predicament is probably due to the overwhelming extent of problems we face, but we won't make any progress by attempting to walk in every direction at once.

what do we want to change the most....what is within our power?
corrupt politics
animal rights
water quality
terrorism ahhh!
international relations
food quality
the economy
air quality
human rights
workers rights
problems here
problems there
problems problems everywhere

to elicit any change we must focus on ONE,
that is how to begin
that is how we start a revolution...

....and 'world peace' won't cut it....... except maybe for beauty pageant contestants....

perpetuallyphil said...

i def agree with dillow... focus is key, as is action.

i see a lot in my social work major revolving around intent. all of the kids in my classes are extremely nice, open-hearted and genuinely interested in helping those in need. the intent is amazing. intent doesn't make things happen tho. intent is the starting point.

turning intent into action is the preferable way, as opposed to action that is forced.
as in taoism, starting from a receptive place, being open to the universe, listening for hints, then pursuing the action which with you are called. yin leads to yang.

you cant make the change, you must be the change. starting anywhere with the correct intent, is starting. ideas and actions change, grow and take on new focus. start with one idea, pursue it, listen to your heart, and change accordingly.... be the example of change, model your intent in every action, re-focus often and always "be the change you wish to see in the world" -ghandi

everything is always changing in a dynamic way. focusing that change is is just as easy as being aware....

hooray life!!!

perpetuallyphil said...

volunteer.... anywhere!!

tlt said...

Talking to people about what is bothering you is extremely important. And just getting another person to consider (not agree, obviously) is extremely powerful. chris, you say people in New Zealand just rolled their eyes at you and didn't even consider what you were saying to be anything but propaganda. It kind of sounds like you think that that was a failed attempt. But i think it was really brave of you and actually a success. Although those people didn't agree with you, they heard what you had to say, and now they have that little flicker of doubt or even confusion and i guarantee that they will or have come back to what you said and at least thought about it a little. without you, they wouldn't even have the flicker, they would just be the same as they always were: in the dark, and smooth sailing along in the 'what you don't know won't hurt you' mindset. i talk to as many people as possible about that movie and most of the time i end up feeling frustrated and even sometimes kind of dumb but then i think about other situations in which someone has brought a brand new idea to my attention and if i did or didn't like it, it still popped back into my head and I thought about it again. that makes me feel better because at least I know that i contributed something new and different to that person's brain and perhaps when they think about it again, they might talk to their friend about it, and so on, etc...
i talked to someone about putting fliers on campus for zeitgeist, maybe it was noah, but i think that is a really awesome idea. it is a start and a start is definitely what we need...

General Direction said...

I'm loving this shit, thank you guys for speaking practical it...phil so positive it...dillow so it....tlt so it

and angry....fucking love it

all these emotions combined no doubt create a beautiful whole....a wonderful embodiment of this world

so taking that into consideration...i think we all need to start making our own art...zeitgeist is no doubt a great tool..iconoclasm to the max, but what other kind of shit can you put up?

i know my heartless school newspaper has posters that say "Boring Classes? Pick up a Skidnews!" What about "Boring News? Pick up BREAKING OPEN THE HEAD"

My little movie worked well...doze im sending you a package soon...start mixing shit...spoken word and new world electronic is fucking beautiful i think...also jason you have a very powerful prose man, so keep writing

i think people just want information in accessible ways...the movie i posted I called Mind Explosives quotes Marshall McLuhan who said 21st century college students walk into a 20th century classroom and don't know what the fuck to do....lets pull together all our interdisplinary shit and get creative...start carrying around cameras....videophone people saying stupid shit...its better to BREAK PEOPLES BELIEFS THAN GIVE THEM NEW ONES

but if you guys want to talk like this, I highly suggest being very careful in all your actions and words and look out for eachother...remember that we live in a nation that has deemed nature illegal



jason_dozemay said...

thank you beautiful people for responding to my morning rant stemmed by a consciousness stream of loose change>zeitgeist>crazy dreams>wake up needing change.

i agree with all of your eloquent comments and share the same beliefs. sometimes (this morning) i feel as though the good is such a small piece of the whole compromised of unadulterated, daunting force. the gravity of the implication of 9/11 weighs on my soul. it is the petroleum icing on the cake of made not of flour but of anthrax. i look at history and see so many tumultuous times followed by outrage and by action. the thing that is dumbfounding to be is that now, in this time of incredible connectivity and communication, things like zeitgeist aren't disseminated in a way that is visibly revolutionary. or that they are disseminated and people aren't taking revolutionary steps, including myself. the magnitude of the implications in conjunction with the collection of evidence is such a big deal that i think it dwarfs many of the trials of history. i am aware of the fact that i am here now, a part of this craziness, and not looking back on it in through the eyes of a rich white man, but i can't help but thinking that this time in history commands so much more grain in the breadbasket of life.

the swim upstream gets under my skin and makes me sink into anger and into a feeling of direction-less-ness. through my meditation practice i have glimpsed an understanding of what it means to cease the swim against the current and give in to the ebb of the flow of 'the great ocean of silence.' having faith that simply being is enough, that keeping an open channel is not only authentic and natural but enjoyable, is a tool that brings optimism and inner peace. i sincerely believe that being the change is an incredible tool and a valuable way to plant a seed of love and hope in others. i wish these fucking seeds would bud a little faster is the attachment to the visible manifestation of outcome that is the swim upstream in the yoga of life. to be in union with the universe is to detach from the worldly cycles and simply live.....

harder said than done.

after thinking about my anger and mulling over ways to marginalize its reach on me, i opened up my journal to a thought i had written after seeing a movie called Favela Rising (which, by the way, engendered the most powerful response in me of any movie, ever):

dedicate yourself to good and good will manifest. the world is inherently good, it just needs to be woken up by the indefatigable positive thoughts and positive deeds like those put forth by Anderson Sa. you can't let obvious ignorance and evil discourage you from going out of your way to do good. you might have to draw the short stick over and over and over with no apparent change or effect. be persistent in conveying what you believe in, live from the seat of your soul in every moment and you will find peace in yourself and in others.

so here's to earnest personal awareness, persistent mindful action and tireless selflessness..........

love you guys

jason_dozemay said...

as for something to sink my teeth into....

max and i incorporated BOPET, the bowman, orcutt, pierce, ergen, takahashi shred. (we are in need of more letters to make the acronym a bit catchier so don't hesitate to join the shred.)

seriously though, we share friendships with an amazing group of people that certainly hold great potential in life. i am on the same page as taka (and the pangea day people) in stating that audio/video presentations garner extraordinary reactions out of most humans. these reactions can be harnessed, organized and focused. lets start making a shit load of 'video diary/steroided powerpoints' full of the focus and breadth we infuse into our daily lives. i can do sound, i know taka and max shred cameras and we all certainly have brains so lets make some top quality shit and disseminate it. we can feasibly get to point where we have enough material and enough reach to create real change and make a living doing it (until 'making a living' doesn't hold meaning anymore.)

youtube has been taken over by the corporate world, current tv is decent, but i think we start from scratch and create a haven for truth-searching souls. the reality sandwich of video.

holy kamoley

General Direction said...

something i mentioned that really inspires me is that we all have our own voice

i think this is really important and we should try to work with these dynamics

jason what you said about being detached from the outcome is serial

been dealing with that for quite some time

i've been as captivated by fear of the unknown as I have been by love, but no doubt giving good to the world is the conclusion i always come to

this to me brings an interesting moral dilemna about things like zeit>loose...what means of communication can be implemented to bring people a message of darkness that can however somehow bring us into a greater light? in theory it should work itself out, but i know for myself that researching these things has tormented me, and not to mention...its not a joke

many of my trips of the past year have thrown me into a paranoid situation that completely reflects the life of a dissident

i don't take this as a coincidence

im serious when i say take care of each other, watch out for each other and heighten the awareness because there is a lot of weird shit going on which nine one one enabled

my addition to creating works (i think this is also important because as a culture and generation we're more used to a lcd screen/speakers telling us something important as opposed to humans) is to really, really encompass these beliefs we hold to be start living out these dreams, and this again is easier said than done....but be conscious of all the resources we have, and the illusion that they are seemingly conscious that $1 is more than many people make in a day....dive deep...become knots till the can die when you're done

General Direction said...

One more thing

something hitler said was

"when an opponent declares, 'i will not come over to your side, and you will not get me on your side,' i calmly say, 'your child belongs to me already. a people lives forever. what are you? you will pass on. your descendants, however, now stand in the new camps. in a short time they will know nothing else but this new community" -from spychips (indepth look at RFID)

martial law
detention centers
iraq embassy
internet warfare

Marisa Aragón Ware said...

Jason I just wanted to tell you that you are a great writer and you obviously have the ability to make people think with your words. That can be a powerful tool in your quest to make a change.

Plus you're nice and I like you :)