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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

If it's war the Asians want... - Opinion

If it's war the Asians want... - Opinion


cheesepleas said...

totally...i posted that from iphone in an outrage, and proceeded to facebook the kid who wrote it to me. here is our discourse:
"Chris Ergen
8:41pm Feb 26th
hey max I was just wondering if you could give me a little insight into your head. I read your article and am sort of confused. Because I don't want to form an opinion of you without ever talking to you I wanted to do just that. I hope this isn't coming off wrong I mean no harm I just want to cut through the bullshit. Do you really think Asians hate us? Do you hate Asians? Let me know man

Max Karson
9:05pm Feb 26th
Report Message
Hey Chris--no, I don't hate Asians. I don't think Asians really hate us. I think that white people at CU tend to reject and isolate Asians, while at the same time appropriating their culture. So I decided to satirize that idea by making fun of it with the metaphor of kidnapping and forced Americanization. It was a joke to say what it must be like to be Asian at CU. And I also wanted to explain to white people that if an Asian seems quiet or rude to them, it's because they get treated like crap.

And of course I wanted to write something funny.

Does that help?"

I never had a chance to respond to his last comment, or rather, i was in the middle of doing so when i got distracted and never resumed because iphone is really not the best place to be responding to this message. my main point to make his way was of course, the language barrier, but because this was a "satire," a rather sick one if you ask me, it reminds me of eric cartman, but i don't know what this kid believes and how he really perceives asians...but in terms of discrepencies with the kid in the raquetball court, just cause he says "okay" in perfect accent, doesn't mean a damned thing...anyway, just thought i'd show this to you, we all got a letter in email from the school regarding it. the sad thing is he has a lot of support. i support free speach, but not hate

cheesepleas said...

here's another article i found written by this kid's former karate teacher:

tlt said...
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tlt said...

i read that karate teacher's article. wow, pullin out the history of his family. mom leavin dad for a lady. i guess if max is down to mock a bunch of people, he'd better be prepared to be called out in return.

cheesepleas said...

i realized while watching the office last night why max did's the same sort of humor. we watch michael do and say the most ridiculous things, many of which are racist, sexist, etc. but we know that the writers are playing at the fact that there are people out there who feel that way or are that dumb, which goes back to one of my favorite takaisms, "is it funny because the secret source of humor is sorrow?" and the answer of course, is yes...