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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

have we lost our connection?

When I was learning about evolution in my high school biology class someone posed an interesting question. Have humans stopped evolving because we no longer need to change to fit our environment? This is a thought that reenters my mind at times and I find it to be a valid question. Due to current technology we no longer have a need to adapt to fit our environment, in fact we do exactly the opposite, we change our environment to suit our needs. If the weather were to begin to get drastically colder, there’s no need for our bodies to evolve and start growing fur again to keep us warm, we can simply put on a synthetic jacket if we need to go outside. Otherwise we can sit in our heated houses by the gas fireplace or if we absolutely must go somewhere we can start our cars and let them run for a while to warm up while we wait in the warmth inside. We no longer need to adapt to the changing of the weather and we don’t have to adapt to find food either since we now control our food sources. We plant the crops we need and if there may be a problem with them, science has come up with some chemical we can spray on them to ensure their survival through almost any condition. Same with meat sources, no need to worry about those running out when we can keep thousands of cows stacked upon one another without having to worry about disease because there are plenty of antibiotics to take care of that. It seems like we’ve finally done it, we’ve beaten nature and no longer need to adapt to fit in with nature, we can create our own environment that is much more stable and dependable…But is that really what we want to do? Have we completely lost touch with nature? In a lecture the other day my professor was talking about the hurricane in South East Asia in the 90s that caused a huge tidal wave. He talked about how relatively few animals and indigenous people were harmed, yet thousands of other people died. The indigenous people who still rely heavily on nature for their survival knew how to read the signs that nature was sending and knew they needed to get to higher ground. They also saw that the animals were acting strangely, another sign of trouble. The animals seem to be the most in touch with nature, they can sense shifts in things like atmospheric pressure and know when it’s time to take action in one form or another. On the Titanic people in the lower decks knew which direction to run from the water because it was the direction the rats were running purely on animal instinct. We have these notions that we are a highly sophisticated and advanced society, yet it is the “primitive” indigenous people and animals that have maintained a connection with nature. They seem to have an alliance with nature rather than trying to conquer it. Where would we be without our watches and our weather forecasts and our air conditioning? We have the technology to do all these amazing things, to try and predict tsunamis, earthquakes, blizzards…but what happens if this technology fails us? Think about a power outage, think about the blackouts that happened in New York City that shut down a city and caused massive chaos. Have we lost every natural instinct? Are we connected with the natural environment at all anymore? Or have we become so sure of ourselves and our new ideas in this technological revolution that we’ve lost any connection with mother earth that we once had? While it may seem more advanced to keep all our records electronically rather than carving them into stone, isn’t it a lot easier to erase a hard drive than to wipe clean a carving? These are just some questions I’ve been thinking about lately, unfortunately I don’t have any answers but sometimes it scares me to think how disconnected from the earth we have become and I’m left wondering if we have any chance of reestablishing that connection before it is lost forever.


General Direction said...

Sarah! Nice to hear from you!

I've been reading a book called food of the gods...which may not present the most popular ideas ever thought of in the world of academia...but why wouldn't we want to welcome any change at this point?

"Only a restoration of this relationship in some form is capable of carrying us into a full appreciation of our birthright and sense of ourselves as complete human beings."

i don't really recommend reading cryptogon everyday because i feel as if it sets of NSA red flags on their current dragnet of the web, but if you watch whats happening in agriculture and economics particularly...we're reaching a very strange canada we want to use Nuclear power to get more oil...if i wasn't mistaken that sounds terrible

i have been in a weird place in my head recently...i've never been here before...i think throughout this journey i've grown closer to the feminine mind of the planet than i ever would have imagined, and i think she's talking...i think so too because its not just me...perhaps we are part of one consciousness...perhaps she is calling us back home

my only answer to all your very good questions is every single action, every single moment...actually living, and not in the sphere of gravity, but as the full embodiment of your undeniable existence here...and don't be afraid to speak your mind...thats a problem i have, and letting it build up is definently just fueling the fire of the dominator culture

cheesepleas said...

Totally nice to hear from you dude...hit me on skype sometime (cheesepleas)
Anyway, i have definitely pondered this situation before. We no doubt have lost it, as a society, already. Most people don't even know she exists. This earth is an material object...even though when we look at the big picture, we can see her breathing, morphing and metabolizing. I've been thinking lately that perhaps we are a vehicle for the Earth, much like the pine beetle is. Perhaps we are here to accomplish something, much like the pine beetle is here to regulate the pines...those ideas are very vague for me right now, but it's interesting. As for our potential lack of further evolution:
I think that we are no doubt still evolving, in fact that we are evolving at a much faster pace than ever before. While i think that being close to the earth, respecting her and treating her with dignity and respect is very important, i do not feel as though this disconnect will last long. I think our species is in it's adolescent stages. Remember when we were adolescents? I can only speak for myself, but if i still thought and acted the way i did then, I would not be proud of who I am. I think it was necessary for me to go through that stage to get to where i am today, but still, i was a bad person. or at least, i behaved very stupidly, rudely and arrogantly...much like the general population of the world seems to be doing right now. We have just hit puberty in the last 100 or so years (estimate, but whatever) We are now sharing our ideas on a global scale, something that is so new its effects cannot be known or predicted accurately. But i think that it will have a positive effect rather than a negative effect. And we might see the entirety of the adolescent, backlashing, rude, stupid arrogant phase of our evolution of our species, and we may die before humans move on to young adulthood--> responsible adults...but people all over the world are already there. and now they can share how they live with everybody else, instantly. now i know we've still got a long way to go, and that everyone in the world doesn't have access to the same information. but Japan just launched a high speed internet satellite over their country. I'm sure there could be some adverse effects, but why not just cover the earth in an internet connection? I am going to put some of these over Africa, and give them a bunch of computers, and then continue around the world. if someone else does it before me, excellent, but in my opinion, that could rapidly change the paradigm here on Earth. People are still being controlled by the control of information and knowledge, but the internet is our best weapon against that. i've been thinking of this computer as my sword, my weapon lately, and i like that idea. not used to hurt, but to unite. why not? 21st century weapon: a device used to share ideas, feelings, information...our dreams??? Who knows where this whole place is going, but i can't take a stance that lacks hope. it is all i have, because the issues you bring up here sarah, are real and they are a big deal. and we have a lot of ground to cover, but our generation is still young, and more conscious than the last...the fact that we as a species have learned to change our environment to fit our needs i think is amazing, positives and negatives. we are growing further and further away from nature, yes...but perhaps that is what is necessary for us to realize WHY we need to be close to it. We are the only ones on this planet (that we know of anyway) that have the ability to understand, to question or to think cognitively...and those are the things that set us apart, and give us the ability to change. And change we will. But much like a child wants to know why he/she needs to eat vegetables, we need to know why we need to engage in a mutual relationship with mother earth. and in the grand scheme of things, it hasn't taken us that long to start seeing why. that ideology has drifted away over the past 10000 years, but the planet is 4 billion years old. there is time, she wont let us kill her, and before we go extinct, we will understand why, and once we collectively understand why, and make it our task, our duty, we will not fail. when have we ever failed to accomplish something we set out to do? we put a fucking man on the moon! i would imagine that was one of the first conscious thoughts, and obviously Bill Hicks thinks so too. 10000 years ago humans pondered what it would be like to go to the moon. 40 years ago, we did...why would the determination of our species dwindle now?

That's all i have to say right now, although this is something i love to ponder, because while i feel much dismay at the state of the world right NOW, i do not think for a second that we are in a time of rapid change and rapid NEED for change. and people know it...

On a different note, how was NZ? are you in Aussie land now? hope you're having a blast, see you soon and thanks for sharing these ideas and your conversations that are happening however many thousand miles away...which i know about now, which still totally blows my're on an island in the southern hem for cryin out loud!

jason_dozemay said...

i would say that we haven't ceased evolving, rather we evolve culturally and technologically instead of physically. technology is an off-shoot of our very evolution and while it is definitely negative in some ways, it is our natural expression of time and place. technology is just as 'natural' as a mountain stream. it is the direct consequence of natural human beings relating to their reality. the distinguishing factor is the role of conscious choice when applied to life (and technology.) we have evolved physically, intellectually and spiritually to the point where we have awareness of our actions and their weight on the biosphere. this enables us to make 'better' choices including the advent of new positive types of innovation. in the long run though, the last technology frontier is the human consciousness and when that natural progression comes to fruition, there will be no need for the innovation we define as technology today.

cheesepleas said...

yeah, totally what jason said

tlt said...

chris, your referring to our species as in the adolescent phase reminded me of something i read in 'breaking open the head' by pinchbeck. he discusses his study of walter benjamin's works, specifically his called 'the arcades project' which he calls 'an experiment in the technique of awakening'. he says "history advances in sudden flashes and leaps. it is a series of awakenings into deeper and more profound levels of awareness, or falterings into deeper states of hypnosis and trance. this dialectic of awakening has no end point. just as the individual slips between sleep and waking, reaching different intensities of awareness during the day, generations and epochs also fluctuate between levels of consciousness and unconsciousness"

so, right now, the species seems to be in a wave of unconsciousness, but it's not like this hasn't happened before, think about the dark ages.... but the question i have is, what brings about the shift from a darker age into a more enlightened one? i'm not sure, but the good news is that in the past, the dark age HASN'T lasted forever.