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Friday, March 14, 2008

Something that Letter to God reminded me of...

When I got back from adventuring in world, taka and i were kickin it in the tub, chatting about spirituality or something...i am not even sure of the exact subject matter that was being dialogued, but i believe it was something along the lines of the pervasive force of good in the world. The fact that both of us (as we found out) felt that, in general, this world is heading towards a better place. people will eventually become more aware, more compassionate, understanding, etc. and eventually (although this was never framed in said conversation) we will be living in a utopian land...that is simply my opinion on the matter, i know we've still got a long way to go, and i can't see any possibility of this happening in my lifetime, or many lifetimes ahead, but how bout in a million years? do i see the world suffering from the same stupid arguments, the same stupid careless actions, or being run by the same soulless tycoons? NO. i can't see that as a possibility. while nothing will change without action, and i feel that the people contributing to this blog stand to make a huge difference in this world (in which way specifically, obviously, none of us know yet) I do feel the urgency we're faced with, especially since we stand to lose OUR habitat, and we're already destroying countless others' habitats, but yet i find myself somewhat unworried...perhaps it is apathy, but i'm not sure it is. I simply cannot see this thing turning out negatively. As dosmé (the correct spelling of that name by the way, it's french by descent) pointed out to some of his co-workers, and then me, we are these animals spinning on a ball, that is spinning around another bigger ball, that is all spinning at thousands of miles per hour, and so on...(pardon me dos, i know i totally just botched what it was you actually said, but i think i got the jest of it) So, if that's what we are, and what we have that we can't detect anywhere else, is consciousness and a habitable planet, can we really ruin it? Will whatever force it was that spawned us really let ignorant people ruin this whole damned existence for everyone? I like to think that the answer is no, however ignorant that statement may be. I know we all share similar beliefs in the pervasive force of "good" in the world, this is just a little good ol' fashioned afternoon soc. So, back to where i was about hot tub and this whole conversation. I got out of the hot tub, and walked inside to find my sister talking to her boyfriend. For those of you who don't know Katie, she is very religious...and i just realized that i had homework due in this class today...whoops...So Katie believes in God to the utmost degree, her faith impresses me but also saddens me because I feel as though there is a rift between us because of it. Sometimes it is hard to talk to people when they have such radically conflicting views. However, it was on this night that i realized that Katie and i in fact do not hold such radically conflicting views. I walked in and she and her boyfriend were pretty much having the same conversation Taka and i had just had. She simply frames her worldviews in the context of God. Now she still believes in a lot of what i consider to be pish posh (noah's arc, adam and eve, God's plan and all that jazz) but at its core, i think we believe the world to be the same place, driving to the relatively the same place. I personally think that religion will not be around in a few hundred, maybe a few hundred thousand, years. She has faith that it will be...I made that statement to one of Kerry's friends (younger sis) and she seemed pretty taken aback by it. I guess i pretty much attacked her entire belief system or something i dont know : ) So anyway, i'm not sure if there's a point to all this, but this bloog specifically states that i have permission to write anything i want so, enjoy...especially Brooks, i know how much you love long posts. love you guys


perpetuallyphil said...

people experience something divine. they look for a way to frame it. how did my parents frame this? how does my friend frame this? how does my culture frame this? how does this Book frame it?

the experice is known by different names, has different praxis, serve people in different ways... hopefully that frame job does not impeed others or self, but it helps give an understanding to a connection with everything else (GOD).

as the dalai lama says (at least as i remember the phrasing): "if you are christian, be the best christian, if you are buddhist, be the best buddhist. religions tend to produce good people."

exploration of theology just leads to a personal relation to cosmology. good journey of self discovery. frame it how it resonates with your Being...

tlt said...

sweet post.

i have pondered religion so much lately and have come to a similar conclusion as you realizing that no matter what religion/belief system people have, for the most part, people are just striving for happiness and fulfillment in their lives. they just call that goal by a different name. it deeply saddens me that the label of a person's religion can create such a huge wall between people and that wars and other acts of violence are waged in the name of someone's particular 'god' or beliefs. i just wish so hard that people could realize that what makes them happiest and feel most secure is best for them (as long as it doesn't include harming others, of course) and what makes their neighbor feel the best is going to be totally different and THAT'S OK. I know that so many super religious people's beliefs sound absolutely ludicrous to me and far far away from reality but i am starting to realize that those beliefs are what keep them sane and happy and if they can't think and live on the same level that I do, THAT'S OK. It just isn't their time to be on that plane. Forcing things just NEVER works and instead of trying so hard to explain and have someone accept my beliefs, i've realized its just best to talk with them about the things we believe that are common, because there is always at least ONE thing that you can talk about with someone that you agree on.

i love that Letter to God. it is the fuckin shit.

General Direction said...

hey guys

i don't get out all that much out here outside of school and so i am often left to my thoughts or just a few around me

i made a trip to another school in new york called hartwick (yo by the way i lost that dude scuba's number in a fire, but i met a girl from new paltz whos really good friends with him, so gonna shred that someday) but we got a ton of different perspectives man...tons...

and i feel a nice cushion thanks to quantum physics

the electron only has the tendency to exist and is intimately related to the consciousness at hand

i've been thinking abot this a lot recently and it makes a lot of sense especially in a matter divine, if you want to call it that

pinchbeck had a nice quote about thelonious monk possessing a tremendous skill, but having the possibility of a quantum leap

this reminds me very much of what you said phil which i liked because i had never heard it before...

"exploration of theology just leads to a personal relation to cosmology.good journey of self discovery."

in your studies you perhaps learn this skill...and the divine is perhaps you quantum moment-and this is defined by the consciousness at hand

so become skilled and then leap frog?

i think i could do that....and if you're becoming in tune with the leap, the leap is somewhere closer to the source....therefore is it you who is doing the leaping? does the band play the music? or does the music play the band? tendency to exist...are you crazy? AWESOME!!!!!!

General Direction said...

and cheeseplz i was gonna call and say i love you have been the shit through and through

but of course i got scurred and took the battery out of my phone and don't want to put it back in :)