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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

"No Grades, No Masters"

Should we start one of these on the frontrange?

1 comment:

perpetuallyphil said...

there is one on the front range! this sounds like a great model for learning. check out this post from the Jefferson County Open School:

March 7, 2008

To the Open School Community:

Our secondary staff held an experiential learning experience for secondary students this morning because the staff has been concerned with the lack of student engagement in classes and a show of disrespect for staff, students, the facility and the program.

In an effort to mirror student behavior, staff members locked their classrooms, gathered in all of the regular public areas and acted out by playing cards, throwing footballs, leaving campus to purchase soda and listening to music. The student reaction was dramatic and they called an emergency governance meeting. Students tried to conduct classes themselves, printing up advising notes and conducting advising meetings on their own. The staff called another emergency governance meeting to process the events of the morning. At first, students expressed shock and dismay, but realized that the staff's behavior was only mirroring their own. Many students thanked the staff for the learning experience and committed to deeper conversations about the definition of community and taking more responsibility for their own behavior. Students even tried to make amends by giving their teachers the afternoon off, but the teachers refused, saying all they really want to do is teach students who want to be in class. The halls are now quiet and classes are taking place. On Monday, the secondary student leadership class will determine the next steps for students and staff.

Our school takes the safety of your child seriously and at no time were students unsupervised. The experience enlightened many students and proved the power of a democratic community. If you have questions, please don't hesitate to call.

Wendy Wheaton, Principal

Jefferson County Open School