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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Bush Pardons Himself

Two months ago...


General Direction said...

"if the democrats take control of the house in nov"

doze it sounds like it was more than two months ago, but regardless very staggering

its getting weird man, and almost to a level where there is too much to talk about...what do we do? what do we say? we're in totally unchartered waters here and i see nobody saying the truth making it far enough to say anything to the general public...

"in shamanic cultures, synchronicites are considered to be teachings as well as signs indicating where one should focus one's attention" -pinchbeck dos

I read this today and realized how much i have neglected the most terrifying, dazzling, enlightening experience of my life which happened in october....i will post my transmission of this event for anyone who takes statements like the ones above seriously

the best of vibes to everyone out there...we're going to pull through this, the universe loves novelty as mckenna says and it is only fitting that such blatent catastophic symbols are making themselves present....but most an open channel....follow your intuition, give your attention to the synchronicities...and remember...we are all one mind, and the only thing seperating us from that reality is the fact that an ego-driven dominator culture has caused our minds to plaster its own picture of reality all over the place, ultimately dividing us from the divine nature which is

crucify the ego said...

This is ridiculous...and I know its more than a year old but still; we were talking about prosecuting gb, the other day, even out of office, suing him for defamation of the American people, well it looks like he had already thought of that.....I say we still go for it, for principal.

cheesepleas said...

Definitely still go for it...and also let's have a full moon party where we have all kinds of candles like in that picture taka uses as his dealio, which i believe is STS9 in Japan...LOTS of candles that will burn for hours...non petroleum of course