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Friday, March 14, 2008

3.14 and the rest

"Aliens/hoaxers also need pi"
"Pi Day is a time to honour not just a number and our fascination with it, but also the essential truth that there are some things we simply cannot know. We can only get close to knowing."

--While I'm not sure how much i'll be doing to celebrate Pi Day, I can say that I enjoy the idea of people accepting "the essential truth..." Perhaps we (CERN) don't need new super accelerators? Or maybe we do, i dunno...but apparently the architects behind crop circles, whether aliens or hoaxers, need this crazy long number.
"The most recent attempt, by a Japanese computer scientist in 2002, found 1.24 trillion digits of pi."

Article may not be worth your time, I think I grabbed the stuff worth reading and threw it here...but, i might have missed something that you would like so...

1 comment:

perpetuallyphil said...

pi day
fri day
get hi day

happy weekend!!
bassnectar on sat anyone?
grant bday on sunday... shred