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Friday, March 14, 2008

Oklahoma may allow college students to carry guns

tsk tsk tsk...will we ever learn? is there maybe a reason why we have such good memories? maybe we need good memories to learn from our mistakes...or not


oneshowatatime said...

go handguns, go handguns, concealed handguns, go handguns

tlt said...

this is sketch sketch sketch

perpetuallyphil said...

this is just like the government giving money to people who can't save money (i.e. stimulus) and telling them to not save it.

its ass backwards thinking.

"there is violence, maybe we need more guns...?"

hopefully if there is (god forbid) another shooting at a school, there can be a shoot out between the gunman and the other 20 armed people in the classroom. that sounds safe.

in a related note: why is the USA the only country that repeatedly has shootings at school? such a strange phenom...

tlt said...

seriously phil! it's so crazy that we are the only country with this crazy school shooting situation.

i was so surprised when you told me that the police in london don't even carry guns. so opposite to the USA where not only do the police have guns but everyday peeps do. I just feel like the fact that people have these guns just creates this mindset that if there is the least bit of threat, the gun needs to be utilized. There is just this feeling of tension + fear + self protection that builds and builds and can only result in an explosion of violence in a situation in which such a drastic measure is absolutely unnecessary.