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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Drug Ridden H2O


perpetuallyphil said...

what does this mean for humans? long exposure to drugs that are only tested for safety over months or years, instead of decades. maybe the riddilin will balance out the xanex, and the viagra will revitalize the mood-stabilizers. talk about a cocktail from the tap... the below article points out that bottled water does not absolve you from exposure either:
more news, same topic

spinningsarah said...

i was just talking about this with someone the other day. i think one of the scariest things is the antibiotics in the water. for humans this means we are taking anitbiotics unnesicarily but not the way they are intended to be taken...enough to kill all the bacteria, even the strongest ones. this means we are killing the weaker bacteria by consuming a little of the antibiotic and leaving only the stronger ones with a resistance to antibiotics to reproduce within us. therefore when we feel sick from these bacteria, the antibiotics perscribed by the doctor that are the same ones from the water wont work.