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Saturday, February 16, 2008

"We'll have intelligent nanobots go into our brains... to make us smarter"


perpetuallyphil said...


this raises so many questions.

excitement mixed with fear.

who will have access to the technology? open-sourced for all socio-economic groups or will it be reserved for the privileged...? i think i know the answer...

good job scientist, now we need to fully consider the consequences of such leap in tech and is effects across all levels of existence... said...

This guy Ray, mentioned in the linked article has some really good things to say about overcoming these cautions you bring up Phil. In his contribution to the book Radical Evolution he presents a global landscape where it seems these things can co-exist to empower all men, not just the privy.

its pretty cool how its laid out in the book, maybes worth a peek

perpetuallyphil said...

do you have the book?

i am down for a read