The shred has officially been reincarnated HERE.  New functionality and expanded means of sharing ideas and media are available and continuing to be developed.  Please send an email to Phil, Taka or Jason if you would like an invitation to the new playground.  Namaste

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

can you HEAR me?!!

malls and street corners in England are being armed with "sonic assult" devices known as "mosquitos." they emit a high ptiched noice that causes extreme discomfort in those able to hear it. sketch. even sketcher is that many humans can no longer hear this frequency after the age of 25 (probably went to too many concerts). so the device is aimed at breaking up "anti-social youths."

total discrimination and an outrageous policy.

anti-teen device

a more recent article has the UK government refusing to ban this item and insisting on its neccesity:

'we wont ban'


cheesepleas said...

we kinda need to invent a counteractive device for this, just in case we ever need to make something happen and they are trying to suppress us with noise...

cheesepleas said...

by the way phil, what a great idea this blog was....a way that we can all communally hang, i will have to explain to you the pod, which i just couldn't do last night over skype because of the crappy signal. but basically it's a 3-d world that we're going to create so that you can do (for all intensive purposes, in "real life") things like: sit in a living room, or beach, or mountain top and talk to your friend, who is really in madagascar, and you're in denver, but you're both in mechanism that's able to impose a 3-d image of you on the other side...then it's just a matter of loading a surrounding and then you're in the same place hanging out step further than what we did last night. many, many more awesome things we've come up with in the past few days but this thing can be a reality and the more of a collaboration of ideas it is, the sicker it's going to evolve to be...but yeah, shredsomething=awesome said...