The shred has officially been reincarnated HERE.  New functionality and expanded means of sharing ideas and media are available and continuing to be developed.  Please send an email to Phil, Taka or Jason if you would like an invitation to the new playground.  Namaste

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Ford/Microsoft "Sync"

This is a pretty lame video in terms of the cast, but there's a few sweet features in this about halfway through. it plays music right of any flash drive, and you can stream internet radio from a smartphone straight to the thing via apple stuff yet besides ipod though i don't think... a lot of room to grow, but right in line with making everything just flash flash flash


General Direction said...

don't care

cheesepleas said...

you're gay

oneshowatatime said...

that's funny, i was just commenting to my room mate yesterday about how i wish that i could just plug my flash drive into my car and choose my music by touchscreen