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Monday, February 11, 2008

Free Speech TV

Someone told me about this yesterday, and it looks pretty sick. Has anyone heard of this before?


perpetuallyphil said...

i know this only by the Democracy Now stuff... Amy Goodman rocks

cheesepleas said...

the people that told me about this, i met at a funeral for one of my parents really good friend. it's amazing to me how when this guy died, it seems to me like a long and meaningful friendship was born through the celebration of his life. we immediately hit it off talking about self cultivation and self mastery. they have been going to dreamtime the last couple of years and are the only people i have ever met that i could talk to like that in my entire life spent in my parents world. perhaps this is the reason got so excited about meeting like minded individuals in a room chock full of driven business men...anyway, they mentioned a program on this channel that sounded pretty far out, in a good way...and it looks like the good people over at dish network are the only people to carry 24/7...i want to throw this out there on this same token...i know that it would be a lot of work, but i am pretty sure that if we wanted to do something such as this (limited to dish network though) we could...this could be a massive collaboration of ideas thrown out at anyone who gets dish network (~15 million people) i think it would be really fun, but we would have a shitload of time to fill...perhaps we could start out with weekend programming, or something like that but let me know what you guys think

jason_dozemay said...

i'm definitely down for that idea....probably gonna need a audio engineer.

General Direction said...

im glad you got to hear about it in this type of way...its like how we learn about things is all relative you know, i mean really learn things....i've been watching democracy now ever since we got dish cause mi madre...give her a call if you have any questions....democracy now is amazing show, phil is right....the other stuff is really interesting too...INN (international news network) i think is the only thing on tv i've ever seen talking about biometric databases

lets start thinking...a relative of yours has an interesting idea for production....if you call my mom she can tell you what kind of stuff has been on, or im sure you can find past programming'd just be good to know whats been covered, and what type of things should be that are very important....i honestly think a piece about the banking/finance world is isn't real, but its we want to sacrifice our way of life for something more just? i have a very shameful view of things right now, i don't know where to go...what do you guys think? I would love to know

General Direction said...

another idea...I wrote this for a $10,000 grant that I'm pretty sure i didn't even get out the skidmore doors...but check it out, less daunting than economics, a little more positive

Davis United World College Scholars: 100 Projects for Peace

Cultivating peace in the 21st century could arise through innumerable sources, but it may first be wise to ask, what is peace? For some, peace means the end of war between human beings. For others, it means financial and emotional security. And another might find it in misty mountains beside a clean stream. For myself, it means all of the above, and I have, to the best of my knowledge, thought of a comprehensive way to help achieve it.
I try my best to not neglect the fact that the nation which has raised me is in a current state of war, of which, the intentions are not well known. If we take the stance that the current leaders of the United States are making an attempt to solidify resources such as oil, or others such as global political and economic conformity, my first response would be to end the apparent dependence of both these things.
Movements towards sustainable living and the transcendence of differences among cultures are in my mind perfect examples of grassroots efforts which require an entirely new and unique way of viewing the world. These undertakings have the capacity to probe the human soul ecologically and culturally, in turn teaching invaluable lessons for creating peace. In standard contemporary civilized culture, I feel people partially alienated from themselves and their surroundings, myself included. As food travels on average more than 1500 miles to its customer, and children with Attention Deficit Disorders face the strict hand of market-driven psychologists and pharmaceutical corporations, the light of peace dims. And as soldiers fight war to keep a consumer economy which has increased its spending every quarter for the past sixteen years and the planet serves as a slave to our wants and needs, the light nearly goes out. In order to cope with these present day struggles, I have found that certain practices such as conscious consumption of products and energy as well as yoga and meditation have a uniquely positive effect. I have also discovered through these activities a parallel to Christianity, or any world religion for that matter, because they assist in striving for higher levels of consciousness and virtue, and thus peace.
I have made contact with a man from the United States who has developed and sustained an organic farm/sustainable community called the Earth Embassy at the base of Mt. Fuji in Japan, and I have also been offered an opportunity to spend the summer there. Jacob Reiner and a handful of other workers grow a variety of vegetables organically, which they trade with other farmers and sell to certain retailers, practice yoga, and develop ecologically-minded architecture for those who seek it. This includes eco-villages outside of major cities where residents can commute, but upon returning home, are given the option to live sustainably through renewable energy and organic farming techniques. It is Mr. Reiner’s hope to also develop a school or program to help educate the youth on his, and many others all around the world’s mission. As I travel to Japan, it would be my pleasure to document my experience and what I think can be learned from the lifestyle I hope to find at the Earth Embassy at Mt. Fuji. If such practice can end dependence on foreign sources of energy, redevelop a lost sense of community, reestablish a healthy relationship with the planet, and redefine virtue as we know it, I believe it to be a strong candidate for a vehicle to peace in the 21st century.
What I would like to do is gain access to high quality cameras; both still and motion, to create a beautiful production of what type of living can be achieved if we want it. It is my belief that what is true and what is good is slippery and not easy to define, but what is beautiful, is more easily discernable to the human mind. The documentary would essentially capture all aspects of Earth Embassy life, the effect it has on members of the community, and the effect is has on me.
I consider myself to be a proficient learner and very passionate about this movement, therefore I would pursue academic work to accompany the movie. I also have great faith in the powers of the internet to disseminate knowledge, and the will of the human spirit to understand it. The possibilities of these tools to help fuel the current grassroots movement towards sustainable living and global cultural understanding are endless. It would first be my goal to set up a space online for people to view my project. In this space I would present all my studies of these matters in a coherent, ecologically minded design to help create a general understanding of the project (I have already started this). Second, and after the time in Japan would be complete, I wish to engage in an effort to disseminate the movie and project to certain schools of various levels which I have particular connection to in various parts of the country (mostly New York and Colorado). Lastly, use the rest of the money to assist in a grassroots project that seeks to develop organic farming or sustainable living potentially at Skidmore College.
This is an extremely exciting opportunity for me, regardless of whether I acquire the grant, because I am spending the most time I have ever spent in my father’s country. In addition, I find Japan a perfect place to execute this project because they, as a nation, have undertaken the difficult task of living on a small island with limited resources, and also to revive itself after one of humanity’s darkest moments.
They say the darkest hour is right before the dawn, and Japan is the land of the rising sun.

• Media Equipment (cameras, webspace, hard drives, software): est. $2,000.
• Resources (books and media for both myself and to donate to schools): est. $2,000.
• Travel (within Japan and United States but not to and fro): est. $1,000.
• Production (DVD Copies or necessary bandwidth to download the film): est. $2,000.
• Other Potential Sustainable Project: est. $3,000.

cheesepleas said...

...however, i L all of U Guys! ; )

jason_dozemay said...

i see the video diary as a personal expression which has the power to truly speak to many souls. taka, i think your idea for documenting the discernible beauty of the Earth Embassy is an awesome idea and certainly worth the time and effort. i think your thoughts on presenting 'right' and 'good' are very accurate. people don't like to have decisions made for them. presenting fair, unslanted and accurate glimpses into the lives of the spiritually hungry is a concept that holds great excitement and potential. the reason why the current mass media has such a hard time reaching out to people and garnering personal reactions is because the lack of person-to-person communal interaction. the media tries to classify and strip individual importance for the purpose of creating an accurate demography, which is of course used for advertising. if we could create a network of thoughtful, consciousness expanding, norm shattering souls sharing video diaries of their lives and ideas than we can overcome the individual-less mass media...a youtube for the evolution of consciousness dominated by a shared passion for life instead of a shared passion for classification and money-making.

there are so many communities out there that are embodying change and that are living in defiance of all that is wrong. i think that if this could be made visible, the hopelessness felt by many could be washed away by excitement and a shared tenacity to do what is right (or beautiful). i feel like there has to be space to discuss the harm in -fill in the blank- but the true transformation lies in embodying the change you want to see.

what if we showed people living:
focusing their attention inwards on the great consciousness frontier
mystic healing
crystal power
feminine awarness
using subtle energies, mental and material
reaching out
accepting new patterns of understanding
questioning those systems rooted in cement

maybe video diary is the wrong about reality tv?

jason_dozemay said...

...a tv network of user generated program material organized and sustained by its accompanying web site and team of reality-constructing dominators...

...non-profit, grant-giving organization with the aim of connecting the latticework of counterculture consciousness with the mainstream....

perpetuallyphil said...

wow... this all sounds really good. the flow of ideas seems to be swelling towards something of mixed-person-created-media broadcast for free in a web based environment.
i am down. there needs to be as many lights shown on the light of the world right now to keep inspiring us all... the world to come is now and as Obama says "we are the one's we have been waiting for."

my thought is not to start from scratch. there are plenty of usable outlets for us to well, utilize.
user created content is what the web is now. if we were to create a program, a channel, a series or whatever, maybe broadcasting on a vast array of platforms would be most effective i.e. currentTV, free speech,, youTube, red ice, podcasts...

i would also like to add an idea of documenting the world of schizophrenics and the link to shamanism and dimension hopping. we have a lot to learn form those in our world who, by no choice of their own, are mentally ostracized from this overmedicated and suppressed population of america. just a thought....

back to the topic at hand tho:
we are a part of a movement that is happening and has been happening for some time now. people are waking up and the rate of change is exponetioal. there is know doubt that we as a world are constantly effecting change and creating a dream that is more sutible, susatanible, shredded and mindful every day.

continuing to find ways to spread love and insiration is a day to day task, and does not require big projects of explosion as much as being a guide and follower on the path to truth in every instance of every day.
i love the idea of putting our creative jusices together and creating something that will both inspire us/others and aid in the formulation of our world... lets keep it flowing and remember that we need not only plan and wait to heal the earth, but do it our daily tasks, thoughts, interactions and smiles.

i love you all
rock the fuck on!