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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Some Sing

Our connectivity is changing the way we live in a funny way. An article I read today by an English professor pointing out the vulnerability of our generation because of our desire to BE EVERYWHERE NOW. In a given day we travel on the computer to dozens of places, and thus all these places now are a part of us in some way.

Logically the transformation of the world seems so far off, but if many of us in the free, technologically advanced world are living this life of perpetual motion, what kinds of effects does this have on the whole, through our consciousness and action?

I really wonder you know. We don't take the time to know the full things, we'd rather just get a taste...Dabble, master, move on. Where are our thoughts? Are we to be a generation of generalists? If I am constantly other places...text, blog, websites, IM, youtubes is it a conscious escape? a constant step forward? a constant step into the unknown? do i notice its effects? do i feel a change? do i feel good? am i truly happy?

Im just talking out my ass, but i thought it to be an interesting thought...should we try and live as far into the future as possible? or as the now seemingly classics said, be here now?

1 comment:

perpetuallyphil said...

generalists for sure. i feel like i at least am. my degree is in fact: generalist social work. in my opinion, i like to see all kinds of angles on all subjects. by increasing knowledge and understanding in one area, it usually deepens my grasp on things i learned at different times.

i totally agree with the jumping through thoughts thing being less than benificial as well tho. we are a generation conditioned to have the symptoms of ADD. infomation overload. no time to marinade our thoughts. next idea. 60 second adds. blog blurbs. 5 min vids....

balance. balance the right hemisphere's here and now, with the left's predictions for the future and lessons from the past. balance.

know the beauty of now, find a way to make it a reality later as well.

if the right himishpere is the EAST than the left is most certainly the WEST. i want to be where the east meets the west.

lets play