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Thursday, March 20, 2008

Genetically Modified Oligarchical Control?

This is a long radio talk with the author of this book.....Very interesting, gonna order a copy of the book produced by

Engdahl's Website - good articles on economy, geopolitics, gmo's

French State upholds ban
Brazillian Women Invade Monsanto Crops
Mexico Approves GM Corn
Seed Bank : Rockefeller/Gates/Monsanto

Dear Mr. Roberts,

I am a student of Government and have grown to heavily respect your views and experience over the past year. I came across your article today, and it served as a powerful summary of many things I had been mulling over for months now.

I was wondering, since you are an American citizen, if there are any precautions you yourself are taking in order to face the obstacles we as a nation now face. I do not know how you feel about personal questions, but the more I research the more I am wondering what people who are intelligent, innocent, and have good hearts can do.

Do we give more money to the economy? Do we save it? Do we place it in gold, or grains?
These are just a few things I have been thinking about, thank you very much for your time.

when a country makes such serious errors and is in
such wicked hands, it is hard for an individual to
know what to do. leave, perhaps


perpetuallyphil said...

have yet to listen to the radio show (damn work).
i want to recomend the movie "the future of food" as it was a great intro for me into the world of GMO and the evils of Monsanto.

its a sad state of affairs when two of our most necissary sectors, food production and health care, are fun by monsterous people with an eye only for the bottom line.

fuck monsanto

General Direction said...

yeah i want to get my hands on that...i was really out of it on this GM stuff until the past couple're right phil, the health and food...control the food and control the people

Anonymous said...

i also have yet to listen to the show... but
'Do we give more money to the economy? Do we save it? Do we place it in gold, or grains?'
i've been thinking seriously about this... i have money in a couple banks and am at a loss as to where i can but it safely...
i've seriously considered buying sheets/blocks of silver....stable value, independent of our (or any) economy....
but grains are a good idea.... of course i thought of food first(more valuable than anything when social/economic/political institutions crumble) , but most food is perishable... i guess grains would last... or seeds....
i know this sounds so extreme, investing in something like grains... but i'd rather have my future/opportunity held in something tangible and concrete than pieces of carefully printed paper with a value dependent upon a shaky economy, controlled by an iniquitous govm't.... runon runon

i don't know.... this world is just moving too fast....
catch up.... catch up....
maybe we've had too much too fast...

General Direction said...

dillow...what you're thinking about is not far off you know, and my best advice is follow the intuition

i have been driving myself crazy surfing the net, and while it seems extreme...signs do point in that direction

and yet there are many things to pull you in the other...its hard to talk about this stuff via message board, but ya'll back there should get together and have a good discussion...getting the discussion rolling I think is so important so we don't feel so much in the dark, then maybe some potential actions can come into view

undoubtedly we all have wonderful resources...let us not squander them