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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The End Of Money

someone kick me down

Eliot Spitzer OPED in Washington Post

The Collapse of American Power - Paul Craig Roberts


oneshowatatime said...

bad times. might as well go on bisco tour.

General Direction said...

yeah ive been ghetting down on this a lot recently and have found so many interesting things

for instance, you all heard about elliot spitzer, he was the sheriff of wall street and the day he got canned was a day the fed issued $200 bill...he said many things against this series of events, and what happened...someone did they're homework and said, ha! awesome eliot likes prostitutes!

then i read the RS article which is hard for me to take in...

nwo, police state, resources, etc etc...these things really concern me man, and it seems like keeping this economy thing afloat is to ensure we have "power" or something heading into some crazy waters

its fucking hard to figure out, but don't stop at the RS article

have some pretty in depth looks from very leftist points of view...we're in a strange place, and I think we're all sort of waking up out of a slumber

and the next big question is how to spend money...i don't know, i really don't

perpetuallyphil said...

this is all really exciting actually to me... i have been sitting at my computer and listening to NPR cheering for a total collapse of the US economy. although maybe we need to wait until we have a leader that can get us out of the mess rather than figure out how to cash in again (which is how we got here). its like fight club, we all start at zero, we all become even. hopefully we can find a way to co-exist....

i found hope in the RS article. i find hope in parEcon. i find hope in the fact that people are being slapped in the face with the reality that currency holds no real value. its just make believe. people are stopping to shop in excess because they have to. i find hope in the fact that a blind eye can not be turned to this fucked up world any longer. and while i wish that we made choices to change our world, value systems, equality, relationships, culture and whatever else outta a profound vision or self-discovery, at least change will start accelerating due to the fact that if we dont change, we will be totally fucked... backs against the wall.

infuse hope always... :)

thanks for keeping us up-to-date with the articles fellas!!


perpetuallyphil said...

reality sandwich via current

perpetuallyphil said...

^what the general said

more on this

jason_dozemay said...

i too am excited to see this system fall to ashes, but....

don't you think that this all part of the oligarchal plan?

the dollar has to fail to implement the Amero/NWO.

Its all gonna be ok.
Nassim broke open my head.
Its all gonna be ok.