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Monday, February 18, 2008

Whistle-blower site taken offline

I think that a site like this can be a necessary thing to keep big businesses in check. If everything is being watched by everyone, people won't be able to get away with tax evasion and money laundering. unfortunately, our judges deem this site to be illegal. and what scares me is,

"As well as removing all records of the site form its servers, the hosting and domain name firm was ordered to produce "all prior or previous administrative and account records and data for the domain name and account".

The order also demanded that details of the site's registrant, contacts, payment records and "IP addresses and associated data used by any person...who accessed the account for the domain name" to be handed over."

so does that mean that the gov can just create databases with the people who frequent sites like these? wikileaks, youtube can help bring morality back to the business world. who shot that video of the cow and put it on youtube? was it a "whistle-blower" or someone proud of their undeniable dominance over a living creature. either way, people know about what happened at that particular meat plant, and they damn well better be outraged...

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