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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Disturbed by the Wind

DISTURBED BY WIND - Stephen Buhner

A two-thousand-year-old tree
in an ecosystem filled
with a
of interacting plant species
markedly different
than a lone sapling
surrounded by grass,
stark in the front yard
of a new housing development,
or the Norfolk pine
leaning drunkenly
in the corner of the kitchen.

The green,
surrounding children's homes
do not bear any relationship
to the up-and-down,
uneven landscapes
filled with giant, craggy outcroppings
of the immeasurably ancient stones of Earth
that wild landscapes often possess.

A calm pond lends us serenity,
yet when its waters
are disturbed
by wind
are we not also disturbed?
our emotions unsettled?

Where is it
that our feelings
really come from?

2 comments: said...

TaKA you should be a occultist

become in tune with the astral light

and never forget that human willpower is a real force, capable of achieving absolutely anything, from the mundane to the miraculous.

General Direction said...

thanks homie....whether you know it or not're finding the next entheo :)