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Thursday, February 21, 2008

Revolutionizing Money

Bernard is a visiting Professor at Naropa University in Boulder, CO
I'd really like to meet with this guy; anyone wanna read up, then speak up and arrange something?


jason_dozemay said...


jason_dozemay said...

"It is interesting to consider that "Wall Street" takes its name from the original barrier built by Dutch settlers to keep out Native Americans, whose primary form of exchange was the gift, rather than the market. We have maintained that wall ever since."

perpetuallyphil said...

such a great idea.

me and trover were just talking about this last night.

i am up for a group book reading assignment/talk/possible convo with homeboy said...

That Wall Street tid sent me spinning too, an original economic emblem of admonition between the ideals of the natives and the new new native american.

Phil, totes, im all in for an assignment, and lets talk to this guy, in addition if we can figure out how to mount toast disc images .dmg then we can also burn for everybody the Rosetta Stone of our collective choice, and play a little language game as well.