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Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Nassim does know...

I finally watched the four disc series "Crossing the Event Horizon." Wow. It was an amazing ride. There are so many things to say after watching this truly all-encompassing video. Everything from advanced physics, biblical code breaking, geometry and ancient civilizations, all get their turn. The world view presented has links to seemingly all facets of modern spirituality and academia. I wont spoil any of the fun or try to press my impressions upon anyone, but i would like to throw out one of the main themes that Nassim brings to the table.
In his discussion of the Old and New Testament, Nassim relates the former to new and powerful technology (you have to hear him describe it) and the New Testament to the mindset necessary to use the tech wisely. This point rung so true from my own bible study and for our times as well. Christ, in my mind, is no doubt the model of transcendent consciousness to me, as he (or the tale of him) was able to manipulate the physical, push forward thinking, protest the status quo and be considered the embodiment of GOD on earth. If you throw out all preconceived notions of what Jesus and GOD traditionally mean in modern Christian Sectarian Theology, there are real nuggets of wisdom in these texts.
The point is that we need the transcendent, positive, open, free, healing, loving, peace-seeking, all-inclusive mindset of Christ to cope and deal with the emerging technology and culture of our world. We need first the correct alignment of our psyche and energy body to properly handle the responsibilities that come with nano-tech, globalization, fusion, HAARP and the rest. Giving such a clear-cut and direct understanding of this need, with the help of embedded archetypes that have been a part of the western world for 2000 years is a powerful model of change and thought. We can not always change the way things are, were or are going to be, but we can forever change the way we align to our universe.

If you want to watch, talk to doze or me about getting a hold of a copy, data or disc....

hope is the means... thanks JBO


jason_dozemay said...

nassim knows...

Im working on what seems like will turn out to be a dissertation of my spiritual beliefs......encapsulation of my understanding of nassim's theories mixed with quantum theory mixed with buddhist thought mixed with determinism mixed with indeterminacy mixed with free will mixed with me mixed with mixed with. Ill share when done....probs not for a while tho.

untz the universe

Anonymous said...

can i borrow from u FIL? :)
ill hit u up tomoro....