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Monday, April 7, 2008

Coming Clean

A Helpful Study:

Results Of Testing For 1,4-Dioxane

A newly released study commissioned by the Organic Consumers Association (OCA), and overseen by environmental health consumer advocate David Steinman, analyzes leading "natural" and "organic" brand shampoos, body washes, lotions and other personal care products for the presence of the undisclosed carcinogenic contaminant 1,4-Dioxane. A reputable third-party laboratory known for rigorous testing and chain-of-custody protocols, performed all testing.


perpetuallyphil said...

dr bronners has been all over the soap industry lately, trying to get other companies to clean up their act... gotta love the green companies in it for the money only.

thanks for the post

cheesepleas said...

totes...found this site from a couple a sweet CU professors that I met yesterday at Michael's. They were both so excited to meet a youth like me, and I was just as excited to meet adults like them. Dr. Vijay Gupta, PhD in Hydrology, has been sending me emails since yesterday afternoon and as soon as i sift through and read everything, i should have some good stuff to throw out there. Haven't had a chance to look at any of the stuff he sent me yet, but I can tell that he is craving change just as we are. He also told me some disturbing stuff about a new disease they're finding that they think is related to frankenfoods. Uh oh...