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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Terraforming Mars


"Such an effort to colonize Mars would begin with altering the current climate and atmosphere to more closely resemble that of Earth's. The process of transforming the Martian atmosphere to create a more habitable living environment is called terraforming."

"Here are three terraforming methods that have been proposed:
Large orbital mirrors that will reflect sunlight and heat the Mars surface.
Greenhouse gas-producing factories to trap solar radiation.
Smashing ammonia-heavy asteroids into the planet to raise the greenhouse gas level."

"While we may reach Mars this century, it could take several millennia for the idea of terraforming to be fully realized. It took the Earth billions of years to transform into a planet on which plants and animals could flourish. To transform the Mars landscape into one that resembles Earth is not a simple project. It will take many centuries of human ingenuity and labor to develop a habitable environment and bring life to the cold, dry world of Mars."

4 comments: said...

like we were talking about yesterday, i think they should focus less on blasting the planet with asteroids in order to change it elementally

and focus more energy on helping our planet support its existing life

are the people that think this up really that smart/dumb that they cant look to a logical terraforming plan such as earth

perpetuallyphil said...

^ totally
c'mon people, why would we need to put any effort into mars when gaia needs some lovin' real bad right now?

"It will take many centuries of human ingenuity and labor to develop a habitable environment..."
are they talking about earth or mars? i would hope that the timetable for earth re-
terraforming is not only much shorter, but twenty-fold more important. wowza

jason_dozemay said...

its the manifestation of some people's compulsion to control nature as projected outwards exponentially onto the universe itself.

its totally damning rivers and curbing forest fires taken to the next level.

Marisa Aragón Ware said...

my dad used to tell me about these ideas when i was a little kid... i know that they have also thought about using blue green algae as an oxygen producer to build the atmosphere. i understand your criticisms of such a farfetched project when earth is in need of attention, but c'mon, it would be cool to live on mars :)

space is so utterly magnificent and incomprehensibly beautiful that any efforts to explore it are, in my opinion, worthwhile.