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Monday, March 3, 2008

quick peek into buddhism

frank berliner on 6 realms (quick one)

thanks elephant!!

2 comments: said...

"You can perfect your fixation upon themeditation experiences of bliss, clarity or non-thought so
flawlessly that you are reborn as a god in realms of desire, form or formlessness. You mistake thesepowerful but nevertheless conditioned experiences for the awakened state of the Buddha.
It’s a very high-level dead-end."

Im avoiding deadends, or at least trying to realize when im at one so i know to turn around

short, but i still found points that rang true for my own life, thanks for the rear view mirrors Phil, its good to know where your blind spots are.

Marisa Aragón Ware said...

buddhists beleive that depending on which exit (eyes, mouth, genitals, third eye, etc) your "soul" leaves from when you die, your realm of rebirth will be determined- which is why those buddhists we were discussing the other day practice ejection of consciousness out of the top of their head, so they can be reborn in a pure realm full of saints, buddhas, and boddhisatvas. if you want to chat more about this article or the six realms or DEATH i would love to. especially DEATH :)