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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

quick thought...

Early Chinese thought, which led later to Confucism and Taoism, is based in centralized Harmony. This harmony exists all around us and it is our personal responsibility to discover and participate in that harmonious existance. Life, in this thought, is constructed of personal and impersonal forces that function in accordance with interconnected relationships that change in dynamic ways. By understaning the dynamics that outline the interplay and relation of the constant change, we have a window into the truth of the world's existance. With this understanding, we become better equipped to live in true harmony with ourselves, family, nature, society and the universe.
The early chinese interest in astronomy/astrology stemmed from noting the still position of the north star and the change in the constellations that rotate about it. There is a harmonious, dynamic relationship between the relatively still polaris star, and the ever changing universe of cosmic matter around it. The study of the stars is a metaphor for life and a hint at the ways in which to explore deeper understanding.

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