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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Brave New World (video)

Takes about 6 minutes to watch...I'd surely appreciate it if ya'll'd take a look...


perpetuallyphil said...

it would be nice to have a wire tap on george bush's phone to know what he is plotting....

rena jones is the shit

the FBI's use of wire tapping may be slowing down soon, but not due to the illegality of the warrentless phone taps. instead they have failed to pay their 'phone bills' to telecommunication companies and may get cut off.... its like al capone going down on tax evasion instead of murder said...

YES BRO!!!! I'm so excited
Explain yourself on: tallbridge media

General Direction said...

what does everyone think about this medium? al gore said 30 minutes for current tv....i say 6 mins

we're all fairly in the know about these things, but how does this type of material affect others?

phil, while that's an interesting point, i dont think its wise to cut it off there...that will be resolved immediately i am sure, and may even work as propaganda....

the case is before the 9th circuit court right now to give the companies full immunity...its looking as if its going to pass...those words of george were from the day of the state of the union want me to explain? or simply you can explain? im gonna try to keep on this shit...if anyone has ideas let me know

General Direction said...

the nsa/att is just the face...i have to present a current event to my information privacy law class and this is part of my project

what about the other stuff?
what did tmk, huxley, and those images evoke?
is it real?
is it tripster propagander?

do the things coincide?

obviously tmk is talking about a different type of information? is that confusing?

cheesepleas said...

This is a sick video dude. You've got a talent with this type of media, and the collaboration between imagery, sound and voiceovers is great, especially whenst the tmk is going. i really like those two "lists" he gave that had matching images.

as for the rest:
i think this medium is great, but you might try bringing in some moving picture (or "video" if you will) and combining still and moving images...perhaps you did already and i just missed it, but ain no thang. i think this kind of thing could definitely be seen as tripster propaganda, but only by tripsters themselves cause otherwise there's nothing particularly drug related about it, unless you recognize that voice. i guess some of the imagery may be a little psychedelic, but so are the daily hubble photos you know? THIS IS DOPE

Anonymous said...

wow phil, i watched this last night but didn't realize you made it... NIIIICE!! :) well done in 6 mins...

like deadinden though, i don't quite understand what the bill entails exactly.... but considering who's doing the talking i wouldn't be surprised if he left those minor details out of his presentation to congress, focusing instead on just scaring the shit out of everyone with threats of terror and reminding us that there are evil villains plotting to kill everyone......
gen dir- explanation in a nutshell?

i'm down with a tap on him, but that would probably just confirm our suspicions that he has indeed joined back up again with the Brain and they're still trying to take over the world.... oh-of mice and men... i think id choose mice....
...maybe cheese would get back together....

Anonymous said...

P.S. phil you're super cool!!!!

perpetuallyphil said...

^ thanks... i am pretty cool

video made by mr taka tho....

perpetuallyphil said...

i love the flow on the vid taka. from language importance to control to control of language... its very effective and concise.
as for your trippster concerns: this information i believe is real and accessible from many planes of existence. while there are certain modes and aids that we, and the first two speakers, explored in order to deepen our understanding of our world, they are by no means the only path.
many of the schizophrenics at my work have expressed similar concerns to me regarding the state of the nation (they are less optimistic and able to effect change as compared to you).
i think that many non-americans who are less conditioned could see this clearly as truth not stuff from "living in an acid trip." the world is waking tho and video like this are key.

big ups for this vid. nicely done.

is it gonna be a POD on current or what? gettin that $10 kick down from gore?

jason_dozemay said...

my country tis of thee....

well done son

I feel like there is a new technique developing in media that is congruent with the blossoming of oneness.....pinchbeck is skilled at presenting all-encompassing material that draws from every corner of humanity. i feel that this attention, not only to dissent, but to all ideas and walks of life is very effective in limiting the polarizing nature of media. what i'm saying is who cares if there is too much 'tripster propaganda.' if you present your ideas with fairness and integrity (which i think you did) while being true to yourself than I see no argument against the validity of using sources which fall from the popular path. in many cases, people like tmk etc may be seen as radical and outrageous but the mere exposure to such ideas serves as a catalyzing force behind others' enlightenment or search for enlightenment.

"A man's genius, the quality that differences him from every other, the suseptability to one class of influences, the selection of what is fit for him, the rejection of what is unfit, determines for him the character of the universe......What your heart thinks great is great. The soul's emphasis is always right"