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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Hello friends

This is my first post, hooray! I finally have something worthwhile to add. I hope this works- this is an interview with author Paul Levy. I would try to explain what it's about, but I wouldn't do it justice. Let's just say it's a fascinating mix of Jungian psychology, synchronicity, reality as a collective dream, spiritual awakening and madness, apacolypse, and how George Bush fits into all of this. I strongly suggest giving it a listen. Okay have fun! Yay! :)


perpetuallyphil said...


"non-local egofrenia; will it destroy us or wake us up? it depends on how you look at it! on how we dream it."

"a deep dark shadow is a sign that there is an intense source of light somewhere..."

love it! said...

Welcome Riss

Thanks & Cheers

jason_dozemay said...

awesome. levy also contirbutes to RS. check it.