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Monday, January 21, 2008


Corn is everywhere in the US. it makes up the bulk of our farming, is used in food, as food, as fuel, is animal feed and is always over produced and over-subsidised by our government. why so much corn?

high-fructose corn syrup is bad news and is everywhere....

this is a nice article giving some basics about corn and processed foods


6 comments: said...

Its cause we dont even eat corn anymore; sure it looks like it. but thats damn sure not the maze the new new native american was raised on. that shits stock feed gen eng to sap energy inflate profit and ruin cultural diversity, diversity in human experience, and worst of all diversity in fine cuisine

perpetuallyphil said...


its nice that monsanto can patten life forms now by creating seeds that resist their pesticides and copyrighting the DNA sequencing... it means that if you buy one of their products you must buy the other one... said...

its like a multi drug resistant disease
we may one day, be consumed by the corn itself


Corn Takes A Ton Of Water to Grow Too!!!!

on a side note:

tittyPOPin said...

actually i think its called maze

Anonymous said...

i don't eat corn...... unless its popped... yum... pop pop pop! its so much more exciting than cobbed corn..... and btw boys, la palabra es MAIZ