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Monday, August 11, 2008

Peace out CO!

I thought this was Fing hilarious. Anyways, it was sweet to see everyone while I was home for the last week or two. Don't think I won't be in CO every chance I get to fully r@ge faces with all of you, it may just have to be that sector9 weekend mentioned below. I'm thinkin WSP for sure b/c 5 nights in NYC would be quite pricey...unless GPate could hook that condo up. but I'm chillin for the time being and will no doubt continue to stay in touch. Also, let me know if any of you swing thru chicago at any point, would love to kick it. peace kids.

1 comment:

Supreme Ruler of Shred said...

g pate should hook the condo, still nyc five nights, crazy expensive....

let me know your status, kiiiid