The shred has officially been reincarnated HERE.  New functionality and expanded means of sharing ideas and media are available and continuing to be developed.  Please send an email to Phil, Taka or Jason if you would like an invitation to the new playground.  Namaste

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


GREETZ TO ALL. My name is Preston (some of you may know me). I arrived back in Denver today by bus and was greeted by a horrific display of ?military? training most likely for the Democratic national convention. Saw one even briefly land on top of a skyscraper...doubt they had permission to do that... Four all black choppers flyin' around (snapped the pic above w/ my (sometimes) handy cell phone)... Spinningsarah, one of the rav4 EV's was up on ebaymotors recently (they sell for around 80,000... Here is what Tom Hanks drives these days (he also has a Rav4 EV with many miles on it) .. It's a modified Scion xB converted to fully electric and u can even plug them into a typical outlet.. cost is 55,000 for the conversion. My friend recently installed a hydrogen boost kit that he made for around 50 bux into his pick-up truck, he is still working on the tweaking, but right now is getting 10% better gas mileage. LET'S ALL PAY HIM TO INSTALL THESE ON OUR CURRENT GAS GUZZLERS.

Glucose and myself (DJ PWR) are playing a show on the 25th starting at 9. We have the ORIENTAL THEATER for the night, so i hope to see you cats there for a rowdy time. Only 5 bux. Who's stoked for Sonic Bloom, I've been the past two years, since it's beginning and always have a good time. Thanks for postin the goofy ass video of me dancing at last years Max :)

And finally here is a link that you guys can preview and/or buy my recently published photographic books, check em out ---><---

2 comments: said...

Ya we talked about this like to more....for ever one else this is a confirmation...rynocerous and i were watching those choppers for like half hr swirrll around us...DNC PreP? NWO PREP? ? said...

o and welcome