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Monday, June 16, 2008


Someone recently told me about an electric car that GM released a few years ago called the EV1. This car was leased to about 200 people in Arizona and California. The owners were happy but after the 1 or 2 year lease was up GM took the cars back and destroyed them despite the interest of the owners in keeping the cars. They claimed that they wouldn't manufacture these cars because they wouldnt make a profit and instead sued the state of California to lower clean vehicle registrations

the technology is out there its just too bad that the interest is in financial profit rather than environmental benefit, but who needs a clean earth when you could have millions of dollars to keep you happy instead?


oneshowatatime said...

Mel Gibson and several other EV1 owners made a documentary about it. The details of the car's demise are really fucked up, and now as GM is ditching the Hummer line, they're also talking about resurrecting the EV1... corporate blood suckers. I can't believe what it takes for some people to do the right thing...

PWR said...

Onto water fueled cars :)