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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

willful eyes

Perhaps you are used to thinking about your eyes as a doorway that lets light and
vision into your mind? Through them we absorb images that tell us what is happening in
the world around us. We usually think of sight as a passive experience, like watching a
When a scientist observes his experiment, however, quantum mechanics tells us that
it is not entirely a passive process. Her observation will, subtly or grossly, affect the process
that she is observing, will influence the outcome of the experiment. This influence is not simply
selective observation, the mind filtering its inputs (which happens all the time), but is such that
the events themselves are altered by the observations process.
Remember the experience of riding as a passenger in an automobile with a driver who you
didn't fully trust? Perhaps they are angry, or tired, or for some other reason aren't giving the road
their full attention. You may have noticed yourself trying to make up for their lack of attention by
increasing your own, leaning into the curves, breaking with your feet, or perhaps you have found
yourself willing the car around the curves or to break at a light? Now your eyes are actively trying
to manage the world around you, to create your experience, manifest a positive outcome.
In fact, we often use our eyes to create what we see, to will our life into existence, either
literally or figuratively, in our imaginations.

1 comment:

perpetuallyphil said...

can i manifest through smell or sound too?