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Thursday, May 15, 2008

election time

as i was talking about american politics with an australian friend of mine today i realized that i don't really know that much about the candidates and their positions on current issues. i wanted to know more but felt like it might be really overwhelming trying to learn all this information but was refered to a really good website. it gives a brief overview of many of the important issues, just a quick summary of each candidates position.

i know that many of you are very informed on this topic but i just thought i'd post this link for anyone who isn't so informed and wants to know a little more about where clinton, obama, and mccain stand. we'll all be voting soon and its important to know what you're voting for.

EDIT from PP: or you can go to this website and decide your own ideas. after the 2 step quiz it tells you who you align to.... i am 92% nader btw

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