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Monday, April 28, 2008

Spring Cleaning

Right now's the perfect time to get your "fast" on and do some detox from the inside out. 

The Master Cleanse includes drinking a lemonade concoction every day made from purified or spring water, fresh squeezed lemon juice, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper- It helps clean out your entire digestive track not just the last four feet like a typical colonic.  The cleanse has been known to improve over-all health by removig the toxins our bodies store within fat tissue and a mucous lining the intestinal walls. It's done for a minimum of 10 days but many have found more benefits from going longer.

I recommend reading The Master Cleanser by Stanley Burroughs,  Lose Weight, Have More Energy, and Be Happier in 10 Days by Peter Glickman, or The Complete Master Cleanse by Tom Woloshyn.   

Other cleansing ideas are drinking only fresh organic fruit juice for a week or as long as you can make it, or merely limiting your diet to raw fruits vegetables, nuts and seeds for a period of time. Both of these cleanses give the organs a break from working extra hard to break down meat and dairy and other cooked or processed foods. This allows for more nutrients to be absorbed through the intestinal walls with less energy used and allows for the body to get rid of some of the old toxins we've all built up over the years. 

If anyone is interested let me know- company is always welcome and we can support each other through the cleanse! Happy Cleansing!!!


perpetuallyphil said...


i would love to learn some cleansing secrets.

do you have a good basic herbal concoction that you could pass along? as in, with amounts and prep ideas?

thanks!! said...

try urine