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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

more on rummys products

from donald rummy's old company, we give you a 'safe' artificial sweetner (nutriSweet). i wonder if he drinks it in his coffee? i wonder why the FDA has approved it?

"How Does Aspartame Damage Your Brain?

Consuming a lot of aspartame may inhibit the ability of enzymes in your brain to function normally, according to a new review by scientists from the University of Pretoria and the University of Limpopo.

The review found that high doses of the sweetener may lead to neurodegeneration. It has also previously been found that aspartame consumption can cause neurological and behavioral disturbances in sensitive individuals.

Specifically, the review found a number of direct and indirect changes that occur in your brain as a result of high consumption levels of aspartame, including disturbing:

* The metabolism of amino acids
* Protein structure and metabolism
* The integrity of nucleic acids
* Neuronal function
* Endocrine balances

Further, the breakdown of aspartame causes nerves to fire excessively, which can indirectly lead to a high rate of neuron depolarisation.

Despite these growing concerns, neither the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) or the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have changed their guidelines regarding the safety of the ingredient or intake advice.


* Food Quality News April 6, 2008

* European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2008, 62, 451-462"

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