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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Some things to keep in mind...

Hey guys,

Recently I've been watching friends drop their cellphones regularly...One occasion when a woman dropped her phone, her friend said I just dropped mine in a glass of water yesterday! (Note: water kills cancer causing cellphone)

If you didn't catch this link, give it a look...Regular cell use after 10 years doubles your chance of brain cancer....I do not find it too far out that as the body coughs when a dust particle flies into your mouth, cell phones are also being cast away....

Another thought that I had a while ago and have been practicing is the effect of electronics on sleep...For the past couple months I have been unplugging my devices and pulling the battery out of my cell phone...A new story sheds light on the topic

I find this stuff pretty interesting when we are talking about the capabilities of consciousness...if anything after hearing this, things like psychedelics make sense...if the high-tech world is closing doors, something must serve to open them perhaps?

This in conjunction with the food we eat, and what is happening in the sky I think is very depictive of our moods and attitudes...and while in a way I am advocating balance to the extent in which your current lifestyle allows you to achieve it, I am also interested in special doses of freer channels of existence in order to help make the potential shifts in mind, a greater possibility...i mean we floss our teeth right

1 comment:

perpetuallyphil said...

open channels, change channels, surf the universe, find yourself somewhere else. learn. share. love. repeat.

sycronicities are increasing in my life, by which i mean that i think i see them more than before.

rock on brother.