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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Not scared, but runnin'

Running from sea to shinning sea? check.

Inventing a completely new mode of travel? (Albeit, using the previously invented wheel) - check.

That would be Glen Turner. I worked for him about 15 years ago, when he was simply running 48 and 60 hour races around a track, where the winner was the person with the most lapse in that time period. Working for him was, needless to say, exhausting.

Fifteen years later he is preparing to run around the world (no swimming across the ocean though, you dink) by running across America.

Before you go thinking he is just chasing his ego, I can vouch for the man as a quiet, understated, extremely devoted person who is just trying to make it through the day as simply as possible. And, I am so proud of him.

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