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Friday, March 28, 2008

Emo Sweep The Nation...No Wait Globe

I dont pretend to condone negative thinking and attitudes...but WOAH, following a little too close...this could be too much

The violence began March 7, when an estimated 800 young people poured into the Mexican city of Queretaro’s main plaza “hunting” for emo kids to pummel. Then the following weekend similar violence occurred in Mexico City at the Glorieta de Insurgents, a central gathering space for emos. Hernandez also reports that several anti-emo riots have now also spread to various other Mexican cities.
Via the Austin American Statesmen, several postings on Mexican social-networking sites, primarily organising spot for these “emo hunts,” have been dug up and translated. One states: “I HATE EMOS!!! They are not even people, they are so stupid, they cry over meaningless things… My school is infested with them, I want to kill them all!”

Another says: “We’ve never seen all the urban tribes unite against one single tribe before… Emos, their way of thinking is for crap, if you are so depressed please do us all a favour and kill yourselves!”

1 comment:

perpetuallyphil said...

let me get my head around this....

there is a group of kids, whom are presumably fed up with the state of the world. they hold on to the EMOtions and feelings of detachment, dissolution and sadness that are ever present in our world, our leaders, our cultural main-stream life and is handed down to the masses... these kids can feel the pains and long for an outlet in their music to allow them to vent these feelings that our whole world should be addressing and releasing...

then on top of having the world on their shoulders, these EMOtional kiddos are being pummeled by the middle class straight edge testosterone fueled youth because they are afraid of letting these EMOtions enter their personal consciousness (and of pink on men). it seems to me that our world's collective-consciousness is doing some serious fighting and psychotic ramblings within its own sub-conscious...
maybe everyone should move out of the cities for just a week, stare at a stream, and realize the beauty of our word.

i hate EMO music cause it implies that this genre is the only one with music that evokes EMOtions... but i feel for these kids. fuck.