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Monday, January 7, 2008

recently i have been trying to stay away from "conspiracy theories" and para-normal readings in order to focus my energy more on positive and actionable issues. i feel that it is dangerous to keep my head in a space where everything that i concern myself with is skeptical and abstract. while those modes of thought are very necissary to keeping one's eyes open, it at times felt as though it was dragging me down. i felt the need to apply my knowledge in positive ways to keep my head up and point to the light for others.
today i encountered two major issues in trying to continue in this way of thinking:

the below article about super-delegates (last post)

and this article by pinchbeck

in getting excited about the promise of change to our white house via the democratic voices of obama and edwards, i was taken aback by the fact that they could garner enough populous support in the nation, but still lose out thanks to nameless party super-powers set in place to keep the status quo.

the pinchbeck article renwed by lack of faith in the power of emerging technologies and brought me back to a state of disbelief and fear.

it is tough to remain positive in light of the attrocities that we are surrounded with in this nation both blatently and covertly. the tough charge for me is to stay with my eyes to the sky and yet not let the underpinnings of our society go unnoticed or ultimately crush my will....


1 comment: said...

HAARP sounds like Kubricks' HAL...

Im down for finding arenas for us to explore our experimental technologies; nonetheless i know you concern phil as it seems these great leaps in science are almost always first used to reduce rather than to empower the human being.
and i especially don't condone messing in the ionosphere where the ramifacations of the metaphysical are not yet imaginable.

We just need Dozme to get on with producing some “binaural beats” ...on his HAL of a supermachine