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Friday, January 11, 2008

HUNTING - aka Projecting Faults One Sees Within Oneself Upon Others in Order to Ease the Perpetual Pain that is the inability to properly communicate

My life very well may have changed when I read what Alexis deTocqueville had to say about what kind of "despotism" Americans have to fear. I see and hear glimpses of talk regarding change, but I don't know what to place my chips in. We all dissent in our own little ways, but there are a few things, if you would let me, I would like to make clear.

American liberal democracy is one of the most interesting feats of mankind, but as we all should know, has a long, long way to go. Tocqueville's major concern was of a certain "tyranny of the majority" which could ensue in America due to a serious emergence of "equality". Of course many of us view this with ease when we take a look at some of our peers, but I see it among ourselves, especially myself. Those who are given much, I think should be expecting multitudes out of themselves, and we all are very well endowed. Even as I write I do not wish to step on anybody's toes, but I can't help that at this moment in time, I don't give a fuck how hard any one can shred, rage, and/or shrage. If you've got the message, hang up the phone. If you haven't gotten the message, step outside, look at the sky, and wonder why. If you're phone is dead or you don't get reception, find a way to recharge through your own power source and keep searching for higher ground.

If you wish to talk about politics, my best advice is don't take anything lightly. To me it is all a gentle piece of glass suspended over a bed of rocks. We are at a point where capitalist defeated the communist, democratic pushing out the monarchical, but now future of sustainable living, or the possibility of a human existing as a viable species hangs on a thread. We try and create peace with guns, while the media spreads darkness at the speed of light and I view all of this from the tip of the iceberg while many of my fellow citizens are drowning and freezing below. The election, I think, is to be taken into great consideration, but it is not to be seen as a popularity/american idol/MVP contest that the media often portrays it as. There is still plenty of shit that can happen between now and Jan 20, 2009 when Gdub supposedly leaves. My personal opinion, all three democrats will serve a relatively similar purpose, and who should really be running is Michelle Obama, just listen to the speech she gave to the campaign office in New Hampshire or this one in CO.

The way I see it these days is that revolution starts with each and every one of us, and is an act which casts the self into oblivion for the larger whole. When Jean-Jacques Rousseau critiqued the so-called "enlightened thought" of France and England in the 18th century, he noted that in the forest of the Iroquois, if you were hurt and lying helpless on the ground, one of those men would help you without question. But in the streets of Paris, men would step over you every single day. We have inherited this land from those people, but yet we have displayed the soul of the enlightened european. That, to me, should not be taken lightly. We are on shaky ground my friends, be good, or else it all might come crashing down.

"I believe a leaf of grass is no less than the journey work of the stars." walt whitman

I'm not saying drop everything you do to trip out in your head like me...It's not all always such a shrage...I don't want to sound like a condescending asshole either....I realize my faults in communication...That i resort to writing latenight rants when I feel everybody is sleeping with south park smiles on their faces....But please just don't step out of one box and into another, you can't afford it....3 billion heartbeats


General Direction
Honoring the place in you in which the entire universe dwells since 1987 AD

"If travel is searching, and home is what we've found...I'm not stopping...I'm going hunting." bjork

"The suppression of the natural fascination with altered states of consciousness, and the current perilous situation of all life on earth, are intimately and casually connected." terrence mckenna

"Poetry is not magic. In so far as poetry, or any other of the arts, can be said to have an ulterior purpose, it is, by telling the truth, to disenchant and disintoxicate." w.h. auden

"We have art in order that we may not perish from truth." nietzsche

"Here's a thought for everyman who tried to understand what's in his hands....He walks along the open road of love and life, surviving if he can....Bound by all the weight of all the worlds he tried to save, chained to all the places that he never wished to stay...Bound with all the weight of all the worlds he tried to save, as he faced the sun he cast no shadow...........................When they took his soul, they stole his pride." noel gallagher


perpetuallyphil said...

dont know if this is supposed to be personal or not, but i come away from reading this feeling as though a box has been created for me...

i appeciate your words, long for action and wish to have communication via other means than "late night rants"

much love
you are an amazing being
thank you for sharing

jason_dozemay said...

i must say that i am offended by your comments taka. i understand what you are saying about the need to use our "endowment" to its potential but i must express my dismay regarding your rhetoric. it seems to me that you have been somewhat detached from most social situations that i have been a part of with you. it is easy to isolate yourself and your thoughts while projecting an attitude of non-caring onto your peers and it is not fair to "step on our toes" without regard or without attepting to reach out. while i agree that the mindless inebriation that sometimes surrounds our group can be unhealthy and non-constructive i must stress that there are better ways to beg for thoughtfulness and change than to sling words from a pedestal. shredding, raging etc are words, that at least to me, stand for more than shoveling as many substances as possible down one's throat. simply having a great time and enjoying life to its full potential is just as beneficial and important in my eyes as any other type of living change. putting forth positive vibes in any situation or in any way that one sees fit is worthwhile. i agree that there are serious issues that are not to be taken lightly by anyone but i also believe that there is no room for negativity and talking-down-to. i know that most the people i surround myself with are "expecting multitudes out of themselves" and i think it is condescending to deem yourself as a receiver of a "message" while claiming that others are unable to see past the "south park smiles." i agree that revolution starts on a personal level and for that reason i find negative motivation to be worthless. empowering people is far more valuable than doing the opposite. i know that you hold the right and good in your heart and i appreciate your willingness to speak your mind.

"the future is an infinite succession of presents and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is, in itself, a marvelous victory." -Howard Zinn

i can share your sentiment about the need for tenacity in life and i will share a poem i wrote

Be The Fish

the mountain stream of life
coarses with opportunity
a drifting leaf skims the surface
while a river rock commands the depths
the mighty fish knows both the ripples and the stones
and in living
turns opportunities into realities
be the fish

General Direction said...


thanks a lot for your response....i must say that i need more and more friends like you to help me out along this ride...what keeps me down is exactly this, and i have known for some time...i always try and keep in mind that every moment is an opportunity for transformation, and jason you definently understand this as seen by your poem....egoism, alienation, whatever you will is the source of all things i find to be wrong here in this life, and this is a great opportunity to move forward and know that you guys are on the same page....i honestly just wasn't sure of myself, you, or anything.....its a process of becoming the knot completely till it dissolves and sweeping the garden any size....

i am thinking that this can only strengthen the ties that have been made between our groups of wonderful friends in recent time and i'll leave it up as an example that we should all strive to move matter who, wherever anyone is in the head or place in life....much love, really....i go back in forth between hot and cold worlds, and it really does mean a lot that you all would step forward, like i did, and speak your mind

yours truly,

taka said...

My friend, it is a terrible habit, having opinions, the compulsive collection of positions that often only masquerade as actually thinking about something. Moreover, these alignments are often related to deeply to established themes which we reproduce without complication by "holding" the opinion. In this way, we unknowingly give over our power-individual and collective-inspiration to those larger myths and institutions that organize reality according to convention. My friends, it is a terrible habit, having opinions, the compulsive collection of positions that often only masquerade as actually thinking about something completely original.

In the future lets just keep preconceived opinions afar, always open the head, and continue to keep communication lines open no matter their medium. said...

Dont Box Me In Bro....aka Projecting Faults One Sees Within Oneself Upon Others in Order to Ease the Perpetual Pain